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Sachiri Henderson

2021 Tomorrow’s Leaders Award | National Crime Victims’ Service Awards
Watch the tribute video

Sachiri Henderson | Tomorrow’s Leaders Award
BEAST Crew Inc.
Shreveport, Louisiana

Sachiri Henderson is a 10th grader who founded BEAST (Bullying Ends Against Students Today) at the age of 8 in response to the bullying she experienced. She engaged her bully with kindness; a decision that has led the two to remain good friends to this day. The goal of creating the BEAST club was to create a more compassionate school environment and community by using kindness and inclusivity. 

Overcoming her own experience with bullying, she forged the path for others to do the same. Modeled on PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center efforts, Ms. Henderson spearheaded the first Unity Day Walk at her school when she was in 4th grade to ensure that no student would walk through the experience she endured alone. Her leadership gave voice to other silent victims and she has organized a number of anti-bullying events and opportunities in her young life. 

She has continued her involvement in Unity Days, has led afterschool meetings where students could voluntarily disclose and process experiences; and brought in community presenters to share resources and empower those present. 

She started the BEAST CREW club in middle school and attracted over 80 members to use their voice to create change and combat bullying using social media platforms. She continues to impact the lives of those experiencing bullying, family violence, child abuse, and other life issues in her role as Miss Louisiana Port City’s Outstanding Teen. She has led fundraisers for students who have been bullied to receive counseling at a minimal cost and to help purchase supplies needed to serve children exposed to abuse and traumatic experiences. 

For her anti-bullying efforts, Ms. Henderson was awarded the United for Inclusion Unity Award and the Gold Level President’s Volunteer Service Award (both) in 2019 and recognized as Stand Out Student of the Month in 2018 by at local news station (ArkLaTex Homepage/KMSS FOX 33). Her efforts have drawn the respect of the local District Attorney’s office; law enforcement; civic and faith-based community organizations; schools; peers; and others. She is also involved in efforts to help women and children affected by domestic violence. With such drive and determination to help and engage others, Ms. Henderson’s future is sure to be bright.

2021 National Crime Victims' Service Awards Tribute Video

Watch this video to learn more about Sachiri Henderson, 2021 recipient of the Tomorrow’s Leaders Award.