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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program 2023 Report to Congress

NCJ Number
Date Published

This publication is the report of the International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program 2023 Report to Congress.


This report provides a summary of the International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP) activities from October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023. It covers two critical areas of ITVERP assistance—application processing and claims payment, and public awareness activities intended to reach out to potential claimants. The report concludes with a discussion of future program needs and suggested improvements. Program Highlights discussed in the report include ITVERP Data Management System Information; outreach initiative to current victims for ongoing medical and mental health expenses; and increased collaboration with other federal agency partners.

Date Published: January 1, 2023