This report lays out details about a project which proposed tribal-researcher partnership in Nebraska, highlighting the project methodology, results, details about working with tribal communities, research-based implications, and recommendations.
This document reports on a project that proposed a new partnership between Nebraska Indian Community College (NICC) and researchers at the University of Nebraska, Omaha (UNO) and the Urban Institute (Urban). In order to ensure that the mission and values of NICC were centered in all aspects of the partnership, an NICC Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Advisory Board was established. The project had three goals: to complete an assessment of NICC’s strengths and the need for prevention and response to gender-based violence on campus and among NICC community members; to identify areas for new partnerships or where partnerships might be strengthened with non-NICC partners in order to increase service to NICC community members; and to develop a culturally centered campus climate survey instrument to assess NICC members’ experiences, perceptions, knowledge, and access to resources on gender violence/victimization. Recommendations from the project emphasize the importance of enhancing knowledge and understanding among tribes in general, and the importance of campus climate assessments. The report also discusses lessons learned regarding factors that were essential to the success of the project as well as challenges for implementation.