FY 2023 ITVERP Report Exhibit 4: Average Time Paid Claims in This Reporting Period Spent in Each Step of the Claims Process
This bar graph shows the average length of time required to complete each step in the application process for paid claims. Time to determine eligibility (FBI, NSD)* averaged 24 days, time to verify expenses (ITVERP and Providers) averaged 98 days, and time to review the recommendation memo (OJP)** averaged 138 days.
*Note regarding Time To Determine Eligibility (FBI, NSD): none of the seven claims paid during the reporting period required ITVERP to request an NSD designation (i.e., a designation had already been made).
**Note regarding Time To Review Recommendation Memo (OJP): This time includes reviews by the Office of Justice Programs’ Office of the Assistant Attorney General and OVC, and legal analysis by the Office of the General Counsel.