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July 2019 Featured Resources

Visit the Updated OVC TTAC Website

OVC is excited to announce the launch of the newly updated OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) website. Visit www.ovcttac.gov to see the new design and watch the welcome video for an overview of OVC TTAC.

Explore the OVC TTAC website to learn about the many ways OVC TTAC can help you build your capacity to serve victims, such as—

Center for Victim Research Offers Tools to Build an Evidence Base for Victim Services

The Center for Victim Research is an OVC grant-funded program that facilitates access to victim research and data. The Center seeks to improve the utility of research and data collection to crime victim services nationwide. To meet this mission, the Center for Victim Research library collection offers a public collection of more than 800 resources regarding all types of victimization and victim services.

Additionally, agencies that receive Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funds also have complimentary access to the Center's collection subscription-based journal articles. Visit the Center for Victim Research Registration page and then click on “VOCA-Funded Agencies.” Once you are registered as a VOCA-Funded Agency, you will be able to search for both open-access and subscription resources.

Understanding the Impact of Crime

OVC's Victim Impact: Listen and Learn seeks to help offenders to become more aware of the impact that crime has on victims, family members of victims, and the community. The ultimate goal is to help offenders take responsibility for their actions and begin to make amends.

This video series features the first-person accounts of 14 men and women who share their experiences as crime victims and the ripple effect that victimization can have on family members and the community at large.

Victim Impact: Listen and Learn is available YouTube channel and each video is also available for download.

companion online only training curriculum is also available and includes a two-part facilitator manual and a participant workbook.

Date Published: July 1, 2019