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October 2023 Featured Resources

National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

In his National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month proclamation, President Biden states, “we stand with the tens of millions of people who have experienced intimate partner violence, and we thank the first responders, service providers, and community members who work to make sure that every American can live in safety, with dignity and respect.”

To enhance your efforts in raising awareness about services and support available for victims of domestic violence, visit the Domestic Violence Awareness Project website for customizable materials, training resources, and other tools.

Discover OVC-sponsored resources to help victims of domestic violence and the service providers and allied professionals who assist them.

A Conversation With Nancy Blaney: Shelter Services for Survivors and Their Companion Animals

In the latest edition of the Justice Today podcast, learn how the need for secure housing for victims of crime and their companion animals led to the creation of the Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant Program.

OVC Director Kristina Rose and Nancy Blaney, Director of Government Affairs at the Animal Welfare Institute, speak about how this program is ensuring that victims and their pets can access shelter services.

National Domestic Violence Hotline

National Domestic Violence Hotline advocates are available 24/7 for those experiencing intimate partner violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship. Survivors and concerned loved ones can contact the hotline toll free at 800-799-7233, text “START” to 88788, or use their online chat. The hotline is funded in part by OVC.

StrongHearts Native Helpline

StrongHearts is a lifeline to Native American and Alaska Natives impacted by domestic and sexual violence by offering a culturally-appropriate, anonymous and confidential service available 24/7 nationwide. By calling or texting 844-7NATIVE (762-8483), or chatting online, survivors, family, friends and partners questioning their own behavior can connect with StrongHearts advocates who provide support and advocacy The hotline is funded in part by OVC.

Emergency Transitional Pet Shelter Housing and Assistance Grant Program

Many domestic violence shelters are not equipped to accommodate pets. This issue can potentially lead to victims delaying critical safety services because of concerns for their pet's welfare. To help address this gap, OVC supports a program to enhance shelter and transitional housing services to victims of domestic violence and their companion animals.

Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium

Domestic and sexual violence not only causes emotional and physical harm to victims, but it is also a major cause of homelessness. The Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium supports direct service providers that assist survivors experiencing homelessness.

The Consortium brings together national, state, and local organizations with deep expertise on housing and interpersonal trauma in order to collaboratively build and strengthen technical assistance to both housing/homelessness providers and victim service providers.

Submit a technical assistance request to the Consortium for help addressing the intersection of domestic violence, sexual assault, and homelessness in your community.

Safe Shelter Collaborative

The Safe Shelter Collaborative and SafeNight app provide support to victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault seeking urgent shelter. Direct service programs can connect with other local shelters upon joining the Collaborative to identify available beds, and private individuals can make tax-deductible donations to secure hotel rooms until shelter space is available. The OVC-funded SafeNight app was produced by Caravan Studios, a division of TechSoup.

Additional Resources

Discover additional resources and information on the Intimate Partner Violence section of our site.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. In his proclamation, President Biden states, “I have made cybersecurity a national security priority because cyber threats affect every sector of society.”

Use the Cybersecurity Awareness Month Toolkit for campaign materials that highlight the theme—Secure Our World—to educate the public on how to stay safe online during October and throughout the year.

This toolkit is a product of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Cybersecurity Alliance.

During Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we highlight OVC and OVC-sponsored resources to help you stay safe online and resources that can help victims recover.

Identity Theft Resource Center

Share information about the Identity Theft Resource Center's services with victims of identity theft. Hotline services are available Monday–Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., eastern time by phone at 888-400-5530 or live chat. The Center and its hotline are funded in part by OVC.

National Elder Fraud Hotline

The U.S. Department of Justice’s National Elder Fraud Hotline, managed by OVC, provides services to adults ages 60 and older who may be victims of financial fraud. If you or someone you know is a victim of elder fraud, we encourage you to call the Hotline at 833-FRAUD-11 (833-372-8311), Monday–Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., eastern time.

FY 2023 Funding Awards To Support and Enhance Victim Services

OVC FY 2023 Awards

OVC has released FY 2023 awards that will support efforts to help crime survivors find their justice through rights, access, and equity.

OVC funded initiatives include, but are not limited to—

  • expanding access and increasing options for survivors of crime;
  • programs to support survivors of human trafficking;
  • National Resource Centers for 1) Reaching Underserved Victims and 2) Victim Research and Evaluation;
  • efforts to enhance victim services in American Indian/Alaska Native communities;
  • support for children, youth, and families affected by the Nation's drug crisis;
  • formula grants to state victim assistance and compensation programs,
  • and more!

View FY 2023 awards.

Don’t miss out. Subscribe to News From OVC to receive email updates about the release of upcoming OVC funding opportunities.

New Tool Available To Measure Victim Service Outcomes

iMPRoVE: A tool to measure service quality and outcomes

Use the free tool, iMPRoVE (Measures for Providers Responding to Victimization Experiences) to measure your victim service program’s outcomes and service quality, from the perspective of those receiving the services.

OVC Director Kristina Rose recently mentioned, “… outcome data, when it’s used in partnership with other crime and victim service data can really help victim service providers not only understand how their work is supporting survivors, but it really helps to demonstrate the value of the services they provide.”

Learn more about iMPRoVE. The website provides guides, videos, and trainings to help you get started.

RTI International and its partners manage the iMPRoVE project with support from OVC, the National Institute of Justice, and the Office on Violence Against Women.

Date Published: October 3, 2023