These trainings will help OVC anti-trafficking grant recipients successfully manage their award(s). Trainings tailored for a specific OVC anti-trafficking grant program are identified as such.
Track your progress using the latest Checklist for OVC Anti-Trafficking Grantee Trainings (updated June 21, 2024) and upload this form as an attachment with your next progress report once complete or as updated.
Foundational Trainings
Attendees will learn from OVC’s Human Trafficking Division about the grant purpose, expectations, award conditions; requirements and process for accessing OVC award funds; and where to direct questions they may have about their award.
Participation: Mandatory for all FY 2023 grantees.
Participants will learn about reporting requirements and due dates, navigating the Performance Measurement Tool (PMT), completing quarterly performance measure reports, and uploading semiannual reports into the JustGrants system.
Participation: Mandatory for all FY 2023 grantees.
Learn about obligations as a federal grant award recipient pertaining to civil rights compliance requirements as well as the enforcement authority of the Office of Justice Programs’ Office for Civil Rights.
Participation: Mandatory for all FY 2023 Human Trafficking Grantees; highly encouraged for all OVC human trafficking grantees.
Learn about obligations as a federal grant award recipient pertaining to civil rights compliance requirements as it relates to language access as well as the enforcement authority of the Office of Justice Programs’ Office for Civil Rights.
Participation: Highly encouraged for all OVC human trafficking grantees.
Learn about the civil rights protections and requirements for faith-based organizations receiving federal financial assistance as well as the enforcement authority of the Office of Justice Programs’ Office for Civil Rights.
Participation: Highly encouraged for all OVC human trafficking grantees.
This webinar provides OVC anti-trafficking grantees with information about effective grants compliance and oversight to meet grant requirements. Learn about subrecipient monitoring, agency internal controls, and common audit findings. The webinar was presented by the Office of Justice Programs' (OJP) Office of Audit, Assessment, and Management.
Participation: Mandatory for all FY 2023 grantees.
Learn about training and technical assistance (TTA) available to all OVC anti-trafficking grantees on Legal Support, Labor Trafficking, Survivor Engagement, and Economic Empowerment. TTA providers will share details on the resources and assistance they can provide and how to access these services.
Participation: Highly encouraged for OVC human trafficking grantees.
OVC staff provide an overview of OVC funding and training programs. They will also help you navigate the OVC website, which showcases current projects, events, and funding opportunities, and equips you with tools and training resources to assist you in better serving crime victims.
Participation: Highly encouraged for OVC grantees.
This webinar will provide helpful closeout tips about JustGrants, final progress reports and performance data, deliverables, financial reconciliation, retention of documents, and more.
Audience: Highly encouraged for all OVC human trafficking grantees.
The JustGrants team facilitates weekly sessions providing an opportunity for users to receive topic-specific training, direct technical assistance, and support on JustGrants system functionality.
Participation: Highly encouraged for OVC grantees.
Program Specific Orientations
Meet and familiarize yourself with OVC program staff, award requirements, OVC’s Housing TTA Project, and connect with other OVC-funded housing providers.
Participation: Mandatory for all FY 2023 Human Trafficking Housing grantees; however all Housing grantees are encouraged to attend.
Learn about available training and technical assistance, your specific Enhanced Collaborative Model training and technical assistance, guidance for getting started and areas for immediate focus, and more. The session will conclude with questions-and-answers.
Participation: Mandatory for all FY 2023 Enhanced Collaborative Model grantees.
Learn about the newly awarded FY 2023 Improving Outcomes grantees, hear from OVC on relevant grant updates, and connect with fellow grantees.
Participation: Mandatory for all Improving Outcomes grantees.
This session provides an opportunity to introduce OVC program managers, TTA providers, and for peer to peer introductions. Youth Collaboratory will share important information about the intensive training the grantees will receive over the course of their award on topics related to deliverables and outcomes for the OVC Preventing Sex Trafficking of Girls direct-funded grantees.
Participation: mandatory for all FY 2023 Preventing Sex Trafficking of Girls category 1 grantees.
Meet your specialized technical assistance (TA) navigator, learn about the expert support the Human Trafficking Collective provides, and your next steps for the next 90 days.
Participation: Mandatory for FY 2023 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking Grantees; however all Services for Victims of Human Trafficking Grantees are encouraged to attend.
Meet your specialized technical assistance (TA) navigator, learn about the expert support the Human Trafficking Collective provides, and your next steps for the next 90 days.
Participation: Mandatory for FY 2024 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking and FY 2024 Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking Grantees; however all Services for Victims of Human Trafficking and Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking Grantees are encouraged to attend.
Who should attend? Grant managers, program staff
Date: October 28, 2024, 3:00–4:30 p.m. eastern time