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International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program 2019 Report to Congress - Exhibit Long Descriptions

Reporting Period of October 2018–September 2019

Exhibit 5: Applications Received by ITVERP

This bar graph shows the number of applications received for 13 reporting periods. From September 2006 to August 2007: 24 applications were received; from September 2007 to August 2008: 18 applications were received; from September 2008 to August 2009: 55 applications were received; from September 2009 to August 2010: 90 applications were received; from September 2010 to August 2011: 39 applications were received; from September 2011 to September 2012: 36 applications were received; from October 2012 to September 2013: 38 applications were received; from October 2013 to September 2014: 31 applications were received; from October 2014 to September 2015: 33 applications were received; from October 2015 to September 2016: 47 applications were received; from October 2016 to September 2017: 32 applications were received; from October 2017 to September 2018: 36 applications were received; and from October 2018 to September 2019: 33 applications were received. Note: the period for September 2011 to September 2012 covers 13 months.

Exhibit 6: Status of All ITVERP Claims, October 2006 to September 2019

This pie chart shows the status of all ITVERP claims as of the period ending September 2019. There were 391 paid claims, 34 active claims, 60 denied claims, 2 claims on hold pending policy, and 33 claims declared claimant unresponsive (inactive).

Exhibit 7: Average Processing Time for ITVERP Claims

This table shows the average length of time to process claims during the reporting period, based on the status of the claims. The 34 paid claims took an average of 437 days to process and the three denied claims took an average of 353 days.

Note regarding the Average Processing Time for ITVERP Claim: Two claims took more than 1,000 days to process due to claimant unresponsiveness. Without those claims, the average processing time for paid claims was 389 days.

Exhibit 8: Average Time Paid Claims Spent in Each Step of the Claims Process

This bar graph shows the average length of time required to complete each step in the application process for paid claims. Time to complete the application (claimant) averaged 43 days, time to determine eligibility (FBI, NSD) averaged 85 days, time to verify expenses (ITVERP and Providers) averaged 179 days, and time to review the recommendation memo (OJP) averaged 161 days. Note regarding Time to Determine Eligibility (FBI, NSD): 32 of the 34 claims paid during the reporting period did not require ITVERP to request an NSD designation (i.e., a designation had already been made). Note regarding Time to Review Recommendation Memo (OJP): Includes review by the Office of Justice Programs' Office of the General Counsel and Office for Victims of Crime.

Exhibit 9: Average Time Denied Claims Spent in Each Step of the Claims Process

This bar graph shows the average length of time required to complete each step in the application process for denied claims. Time to review claims and clarify policy implications* averaged 0 days, time for incident designation** averaged 181 days, time to review recommendation memo (OJP) averaged 113 days.

*Note regarding Time to Review Claims and Clarify Policy Implications: Claims were denied based on decisions made by OJP and NSD; no internal policy decisions were required.

**Note regarding Time for Incident Designation: Only one claim was denied during the reporting period: NSD had already designed the incident for one of the claims.

Exhibit 10: Reimbursement Requests, by Expense Category

This bar graph shows the number of reimbursement requests, by expense category. Medical expense requests included 10 claims for a total of $64,816.55. Mental health expense requests included 8 claims for a total of $24,847.25. Property loss expense requests included 4 claims for a total of $5,685.01. Funeral and burial expense requests included 7 claims for a total of $110,586.37. Miscellaneous expense requests included 6 claims for a total of $58,337.24.

Exhibit 11: Reimbursements Paid, by Expense Categories

This bar graph shows the total amount of all reimbursements paid in each expense category. Medical expense reimbursements included 6 paid claims for a total of $19,326.27. Mental health expense reimbursements included 24 paid claims for a total of $57,461.14. Property loss expense reimbursements included 8 paid claims for a total of $16,850.64. Funeral and burial expense reimbursements included 3 paid claims for a total of $46,740.43. Miscellaneous expense reimbursements included 8 paid claims for a total of $14,919.81.

Exhibit 12: Estimated Future Liability of ITVERP

This bar graph shows ITVERP’s estimated future liability, by expense category. Estimated future medical expense liability is $138,731.85 for 15 claims. Estimated mental health liability is $15,684.25 for 8 claims. Estimated future property loss liability is $30,945.75 for 5 claims. Estimated future funeral and burial liability is $116,596.37 for 8 claims. Estimated miscellaneous liability is $59,932.14 for 8 claims.

Date Created: July 1, 2021