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July 2019 Featured Resources

Visit the Updated OVC TTAC Website

OVC is excited to announce the launch of the newly updated OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) website. Visit www.ovcttac.gov to see the new design and watch the welcome video for an overview of OVC TTAC.

Explore the OVC TTAC website to learn about the many ways OVC TTAC can help you build your capacity to serve...

August 2019 Featured Resources

Model Standards Seek to Enhance Crime Victim Services

OVC's Achieving Excellence: Model Standards for Serving Victims & Survivors of Crime e-publication seeks to enhance victim service providers' competency and capacity to provide ethical, high-quality responses to crime victims. These model standards also seek to meet the demands facing the field today. The e-publication includes three sets of standards:

January 2020 Featured Resources

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Every January, the nation commemorates National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. In his proclamation, the President states that "we remain relentless in our resolve to bring perpetrators to justice, to protect survivors and help them heal, and to prevent further victimization and destruction of innocent lives."

This year, OVC celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Trafficking...

Clarification of Allowable Costs for Victim Assistance Programs

OVC anticipates that it will upload the final VOCA formula victim assistance rule during the first week of July. It will become effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. In the interim, OVC is sending this communication to VOCA Administrators to again clarify what is allowable under the current guidelines for transitional housing and legal assistance.

Regarding legal assistance, victim assistance programs can...

The Use of VOCA Victim Assistance Program Funds for APS Intake Workers

In all states, some form of adult protective services (APS) exists to receive reports of elder abuse. Some states utilize a statewide hotline for receiving reports of elder abuse (intake), while other states maintain a system of local level intake. Intake is conducted, among other things, to determine whether victim services should be the only referral or whether a more system-delivered response is indicated (i.e...