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Serving Communities of Color


Historically, too many groups, including communities of color, have lacked access to adequate services—or any services at all.

OVC is committed to ensuring that victims receive culturally appropriate and trauma-informed services. One such initiative to help bring this vision to reality is the National Resource Center for Reaching Victims project. This OVC-funded project seeks to identify, reach, and serve all victims, especially those from communities that often have less access to healing services and avenues to justice. The center provides resources on evidence-based practices, public awareness and outreach materials, and other learning materials.

The OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center provides an on demand training on Providing Effective Services to Young Men and Boys of Color. This 90-minute training contains four lessons on best practices for working with young men and boys of color who are victims of crime, covering—

  1. Overview of Working With Young Men and Boys of Color
  2. Engaging Young Men and Boys of Color
  3. Assessing Safety Risks
  4. Client-Centered Safety Planning

View the following publications and resources for additional information on providing crime victim services in communities of color.


A Vision for Equity in Victim Services: What Do the Data Tell Us About the Work Ahead

OVC and Bureau of Justice Statistics Fellow Heather Warnken, J.D., LL.M. presents her work and vision to ensure equity in victim services. Ms. Warnken highlights statistics on racial disparities and violent victimization.

She discusses the need to ensure that programming is in place to reach victims of color and how VOCA assistance and compensation funds, and other discretionary funds, can be used to expand access to justice across all communities.

American Indian & Alaska Native Victim Services Resources

Visit our American Indian & Alaska Native Victim Services Resources microsite to learn about Office for Victims of Crime initiatives, publications, multimedia, and other resources to help provide culturally sensitive, victim-centered programs to American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Spanish Language Resources (Recursos en Español)

Discover Spanish language resources to assist victims of crime and links to other helpful Spanish language websites on our Recursos en Español page.