All events submitted to our events list must focus on topics and issues related to the crime victims field such as crime victim assistance, crime victim compensation, or victim advocate training. Approval for inclusion in the events list is dependent on the accuracy and comprehensiveness of content, timeliness of submission, and relevance to the field.
Events must be open to the general public and be fully or partially sponsored by a local, Tribal, state, or federal government agency or nonprofit organization, or supported via public donations. Commercial events will be considered on an individual basis. Fundraisers (e.g., bake sales) will not be included.
Additional information, including web addresses and event details, is preferred. All events must focus on issues of interest to the crime victims field; however, events may also feature information about other criminal justice topics.
Event submissions are reviewed by our web content team against these criteria and it may take up to 5 business days to complete a review of event submissions.
Contact the OVC Resource Center if you have questions at:
Phone: 800-851-3420 or 202-836-6998
TTY: 301-240-6310