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Awards List

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Each year, OVC awards formula and discretionary grants to enhance the delivery of crime victim services throughout the Nation.

You may browse the table below and use filter options to view awards by award status, State, fiscal year, awardee name, city or perform a keyword search. 

Click on the Title for more details about the award and click on the Original Solicitation title to view the funding opportunity.


State denotes the state of the organization that received the funding. States Served indicates the state in which services provided. If an organization focuses their attention to a specific community in that state, the service area is identified as the Geographical Areas Served.

Number of Awards: 4,532
Total Amount Awarded: $22,386,214,810

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State States Served Geographical Areas Served Amount
2017 Fort Peck Comprehensive Tribal Victims Assistance Project OVC FY 17 CTAS Purpose Area 7: Comprehensive Tribal Victim Assistance Program FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES MT $447,029
2017 Freedom Network Training Institute Housing Training and Technical Assistance Project OVC FY 17 Specialized Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance for Service Providers FREEDOM NETWORK USA DC National $849,980
2017 FY 17 SRST CTAS Domestic Violence Shelter Advocacy Project OVC FY 17 CTAS Purpose Area 7: Comprehensive Tribal Victim Assistance Program STANDING ROCK SIOUX TRIBE ND $443,785
2017 FY 2017 Building State Technology Capacity OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Building State Technology Capacity - Victim Compensation Ohio Attorney General OH $250,000
2017 Human Trafficking Trauma and Recovery Program OVC FY 17 Specialized Services for Victims of Human Trafficking SANAR WELLNESS INSTITUTE NJ $600,000
2017 Illinois Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Demonstration Project OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth State Demonstration Project ILLINOIS CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION AUTHORITY IL $498,606
2017 Improving Outcomes for Child & Youth Victims of Human Trafficking in California OVC FY 17 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking: A Jurisdiction-wide Approach OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES CA $1,499,999
2017 Improving Outcomes for Ohio''s Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking OVC FY 17 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking: A Jurisdiction-wide Approach OHIO OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES OH $949,968
2017 Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for LGBT Victims of Crime OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Integrated Services for Victims Program: Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Victims of Crime LOS ANGELES LGBT CENTER CA $450,000
2017 Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Limited English Proficient Victims of Crime. OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Integrated Services for Victims Program: Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Victims of Crime THE CENTER FOR TRAUMA & RESILIENCE CO $447,358
2017 Increasing Access to Victim Services for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Who Have a Serious Mental Illness OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Integrated Services for Victims Program: Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Victims of Crime HEKTOEN INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, THE IL $400,000
2017 Innovate Colorado: A Collaborative Law Enforcement and Child Welfare Response to Human Trafficking. OVC FY 17 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking: A Jurisdiction-wide Approach DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES COLORADO CO $1,413,747
2017 Innovation Framework for National Referral System Effective Referrals at the Community level with person-enhanced technology OVC FY 17 Field-Generated Innovations in Addressing Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation ELder Law of Michigan, Inc. MI $499,930
2017 Innovative Remedies to Reduce Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation OVC FY 17 Field-Generated Innovations in Addressing Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation Utah Legal Services UT $346,608
2017 Integrated Services for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault with Serious Mental Illness OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Integrated Services for Victims Program: Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Victims of Crime CENTER FOR WOMEN AND FAMILIES, INC. THE KY $350,000
2017 Justice for Santee Sioux Nation Children OVC FY 17 CTAS Purpose Area 6: Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Program SANTEE SIOUX TRIBE OF NEBRASKA NE $450,000
2017 Juvenile Victims of Human Trafficking in Alabama: Developing and Implementing a Uniform Integrated Response Protocol OVC FY 17 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking: A Jurisdiction-wide Approach UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AL $1,359,620
2017 Karidat's Comprehensive Services for Victims of All Forms of Human Trafficking OVC FY 17 Comprehensive Services for Victims of All Forms of Human Trafficking KARIDAT SOCIAL SERVICES MP $750,000
2017 KBIC Victims of Crime Project OVC FY 17 CTAS Purpose Area 7: Comprehensive Tribal Victim Assistance Program KEWEENAW BAY INDIAN COMMUNITY MI $430,156
2017 Kenaitze Purpose Area 6 Child Protection Team Coordination and Multidisciplinary Enhancement OVC FY 17 CTAS Purpose Area 6: Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Program KENAITZE INDIAN TRIBE AK $449,998
2017 Laying the Foundation for a Cherokee Nation Tribal Adult Protective Services Unit OVC FY 17 CTAS Purpose Area 7: Comprehensive Tribal Victim Assistance Program THE CHEROKEE NATION OK $449,925
2017 Maniilaq Association Child Advocacy Center project to provide direct services to child victims of sexual assault and strengthening our developing Child Advocacy Center towards the goal of national acc OVC FY 17 CTAS Purpose Area 7: Comprehensive Tribal Victim Assistance Program MANIILAQ ASSOCIATION AK $439,899
2017 Mass Violence Resource Center OVC FY 17 Mass Violence and Victimization Resource Center (MV Center) MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA THE SC $17,821,945
2017 Menominee Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities OVC FY 17 CTAS Purpose Area 6: Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Program MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN WI $425,859
2017 National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL): Lifting Up the Voices of Older Survivors Video Project OVC FY 17 Field-Generated Innovations in Addressing Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin: the WI Coalition Against Domes WI $485,195