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Awards List

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Each year, OVC awards formula and discretionary grants to enhance the delivery of crime victim services throughout the Nation.

You may browse the table below and use filter options to view awards by award status, State, fiscal year, awardee name, city or perform a keyword search. 

Click on the Title for more details about the award and click on the Original Solicitation title to view the funding opportunity.


State denotes the state of the organization that received the funding. States Served indicates the state in which services provided. If an organization focuses their attention to a specific community in that state, the service area is identified as the Geographical Areas Served.

Number of Awards: 4,531
Total Amount Awarded: $22,385,214,810

Funded Awards
FY Title Original Solicitation Recipient Sort descending State States Served Geographical Areas Served Amount
2018 Realizing the Vision for the Future of Victim Services: Translation, Data Dissemination, and Bridging the Divide OVC FY 2018 Victim Assistance Fellowship Program: Translation and Dissemination of Statistical Data $353,396
2020 Kentucky Statewide Response to Child Trafficking Initiative OVC FY 2020 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking Kentucky $1,000,000
2021 OVC Law Enforcement Human Trafficking Fellowship Program OVC FY 2021 Law Enforcement Human Trafficking Fellowship Program $400,000
2022 OVC Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims Fellowship OVC FY 2022 Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims Fellowship $449,832
2023 OVC Fellowship to Analyze Human Trafficking Diversion Courts for Minors OVC FY 2023 Human Trafficking Fellowship Program $290,614
2023 Amplifying evidence based approaches to provision of services for individuals impacted by human trafficking: A landscape analysis of existing OVC anti-trafficking service provision program models. OVC FY 2023 Human Trafficking Fellowship Program $392,000
2022 1736 Family Crisis Center Housing Assistance Program for Victims of Human Trafficking OVC FY 2022 Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking 1736 FAMILY CRISIS CENTER CA California Los Angeles County $800,000
2022 A New Leaf’s Emergency Pet Shelter Services at Autumn House OVC FY 2022 Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant Program A NEW LEAF, INC. AZ $99,999
2018 Comprehensive Services to Victims of Human Trafficking in Bucks County, Pennsylvania OVC FY 2018 Comprehensive Services for Victims of All Forms of Human Trafficking A WOMAN'S PLACE PA $550,000
2020 A21 Rapid Rehousing Program OVC FY 2020 Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking A21 CAMPAIGN INC TX North Carolina Charlotte $500,000
2018 Absentee Shawnee Tribe Of Oklahoma Tribal Victim Services Program. OVC FY 2018 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Program ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OK $634,501
2019 Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma: Tribal Victim Services Program. OVC FY 2019 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Program ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OK $720,000
2020 FY20 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Program OVC FY 2020 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Program ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OK $694,698
2020 Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma: Children's Justice Act Partnership Act for Indian Communities. ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OK $450,000
2021 FY 2021 TVSSA Grant ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OVC FY 2021 Invited to Apply Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Grant Program ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OK $372,817
2020 Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma: Children's Justice Act Partnership Act for Indian Communities. OVC FY 20 CTAS Purpose Area 6: Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Program ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OK $450,000
2022 FY 2022 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Project: ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OVC FY 2022 Invited to Apply Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Grant Program ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OK $410,246
2020 Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma: Children's Justice Act Partnership Act for Indian Communities. ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA OK $450,000
2022 Enhancing Access to Victim Services OVC FY 2022 Enhancing Access to Victim Services ACTIVATING CHANGE, INC. DE $1,000,000
2023 National Resource Center for Reaching Underserved Victims OVC FY 2023 National Resource Centers for Victim Research, Evaluation, and Reaching Underserved Victims ACTIVATING CHANGE, INC. DE $1,500,000
2023 OVC FY 23 Field Generated - Increasing Options and Expanding Access for Victims of Crime with Disabilities OVC FY 2023 Field-Generated Solicitation: Increasing Options and Expanding Access for Victims of Crime ACTIVATING CHANGE, INC. DE $500,000
2018 Victim Services for Walmart Shooting Incident OVC FY 2018 Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) for Crime Victim Compensation and Assistance ADAMS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY CO $423,414
2022 Expanding Services to Domestic Violence Victims in Adams County OVC FY 2022 Invited to Apply — Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding/Byrne Discretionary Grants Program ADAMS, COUNTY OF CO $2,000,000
2018 Enhancing and expanding community resources to young crime victims of the opioid crisis. OVC FY 2018 Enhancing Community Responses to the Opioid Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims ADMINISTRATION, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF AK $600,661
2018 OVC FY 18 VOCA Victim Compensation Formula OVC FY 2018 VOCA Victim Compensation ADMINISTRATION, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF AK $527,000