OVC seeks applications to support projects designated for funding in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (Public Law 118-42) to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, to prevent or combat juvenile delinquency, and to assist victims of crime (other than compensation).
Eligible Applicants
OVC sent an invitation to apply to all eligible recipients, which are limited to those identified in the Congressional Joint Explanatory Statement (JES) for the projects designated for funding in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024. A list of the projects designated for funding in FY24 can be found here: FY24 Appropriations. The legal name (or “doing business as” name) associated with the applicant’s unique entity identifier (UEI) as registered in the System of Award Management (SAM) must coincide with the recipient listed in the JES.
Application Mechanics Weekly Webinars
We encourage all potential applicants to register for the weekly “Application Mechanics: Submitting an Application Weekly Training Webinar,” held every Wednesday from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., eastern time. Visit the JustGrants Resources website to learn more and register. Participation in these webinars is optional.
Number of Awards: 42
Total Amount Awarded: $36,312,704
CASA Program Crime Victim Trauma Intervention Project
City of Charlotte and Atrium Health Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program
City of Elk Grove Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention Program
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Combatting Drug and Human Trafficking in Genesee County (MI)
Community-Based Victim Services Program
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence for Victim Services Funding
Contra Costa Commercial and Sexual Exploitation of Children Navigators Capacity Building Initiative
COVENANT HOUSE NEW ORLEANS Enhanced Victim Services Transitional Program
Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention
Domestic Violence Prevention Capacity Building
Eighth Judicial District Court's Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program.
Expanding Prosecution and Victim Services Capacity in Response to Gun Violence
Expansion of Intervention Model for High-Risk Young Mothers
Extended support of 10.27 Healing Partnership
Family Advocacy Center
Hanai Pilot Project
Lauderhill Police Department Comprehensive Domestic Violence Approach
Legal Assistance Program for Low Income Victims of Crime
Oakland Chinatown Ambassador Program for Crime Prevention and Victim Services
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
Safe House for Child Survivors of Sex Trafficking in Maryland
Sexual Assault Expert Witness and Attorney Training
Shelby County District Attorney's Victim Witness Services Program
Shining the Light on Sex Trafficking in Hawaii
Similar Opportunities
- OVC FY 2023 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking
- OVC FY 2022 Measuring the Impact of Victim Services: Implementation, Management, and Sustainment of the Measures for Providers Responding to Victimization Experiences (iMPRoVE) Project
- OVC FY 2021 Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of Crime