This program will support the development or expansion of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SANE/SAFE) programs using a coordinated community response strategy (Purpose Area 1) and the provision of training and technical assistance (Purpose Area 2).
Purpose Area 1: Establish or Expand SANE/SAFE Programs
Funding will support developing and expanding the skills, expertise, and capacity of SANE/SAFE programs to improve access to medical forensic examinations. The goal is to establish or expand SANE/SAFE programs that offer trauma-informed sexual assault medical forensic exams and victim services using coordinated community response strategies through a variety of settings (e.g., hospital, community, telehealth, campus, correctional).
Under Purpose Area 1, OVC expects to make up to five awards of up to $500,000 each for a 36-month period of performance to begin on October 1, 2024.
Purpose Area 2: Training and Technical Assistance Provider
Funding will support a national TTA provider to provide training and technical assistance for grantees under Purpose Area 1 to build their capacity in SANE/SAFE practice and programming, to include but not limited to, victim-centered, trauma-informed service provision, policy development, competency evaluation, program development and expansion, and sustainability.
Under Purpose Area 2, OVC expects to make one award of up to $1.05 million for a 36-month period of performance to begin on October 1, 2024.
OVC FY24 Expanding Access to Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Pre-Application Webinar
During a pre-application webinar on June 13, 2024, OVC staff reviewed solicitation requirements and conducted a question-and-answer session with interested potential applicants.
Application Mechanics Weekly Webinars
We encourage all potential applicants to register for the weekly “Application Mechanics: Submitting an Application Weekly Training Webinar,” held every Wednesday from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Visit the JustGrants Resources website to learn more and register. Participation in these webinars is optional.
On pages 1 and 14, the deadline stated for JustGrants submission has been extended.