Tribal applicants whose OVC FY25 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside (TVSSA) Formula Program population certification was accepted will be notified via an email to the applicant primary points of contact and authorized representatives.
Applicants should refer to the OVC FY25 Invited to Apply TVSSA Formula Program Notice of Funding Opportunity for instructions on how to submit their application.
Formula Allocations
OVC will provide applicants with notification when the FY 2025 allocations are available.
At the time of publishing this Notice of Funding Opportunity, Congress has not yet set the amount for the FY 2025 Tribal Set-Aside. When the FY 2025 appropriation is enacted, a formula will be used to calculate the allocations for each applicant.
Applicants can review the FY 2024 Population Certification Tier Table page 7 of the Notice of Funding Opportunity as an example of potential funding allocations.
Allowable Activities
Funding under the OVC FY25 TVSSA Formula Program can be used to support activities such as—
- direct services to victims of crime;
- traditional healing practices;
- needs assessment and strategic planning;
- victim service program development and implementation;
- victim service program expansion including expanding populations served and types of crime addressed;
- community outreach and education about crime victimization and available services;
- purchasing or procuring tangible items related to victim services;
- support for families of missing or murdered indigenous persons; and
- other activities needed to address the individualized needs of victims of any type of crime in Tribal communities.
Support for Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons
Funding under the OVC FY25 TVSSA Formula Program can be used to help Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP). Some examples include—
- providing services to the family members of MMIP victims;
- generating awareness of MMIP among community members in general, as well as individual MMIP cases; and
- collaborating with Tribal, federal, and state and local officials to respond to MMIP cases.
View the MMIP Fact Sheet for more information about TVSSA-funded MMIP projects.
Construction and Renovation Efforts
All applicants proposing to use TVSSA funds for renovation or construction activities must complete and upload the separate TVSSA Construction and Renovation Efforts Questionnaire in addition to the written program narrative or checklist.
Budget Guidance Chart
The Budget Guidance Chart provides examples of program activities and specific costs for which TVSSA grant funds may be used. Use it when developing your Budget Detail Worksheet and Proposal Narrative Questionnaire (which should be consistent with each other) to describe the proposal for OVC review.
- Deadline: Submit a SF-424 by 8:59 p.m. eastern time on May 9, 2025
- Application JustGrants Deadline: Submit the full application by 8:59 p.m. eastern time on June 6, 2025
Special Notice
Instead of submitting a traditional program narrative and abstract, applicants will submit a Proposal Narrative Questionnaire created by OVC in JustGrants. Additional instructions can be found in the application in JustGrants.
You have two options for submitting your Proposal Narrative Questionnaire.
- Applicants may complete the TVSSA Proposal Narrative Questionnaire in JustGrants on their own.
- Applicants may schedule a telephone or video conference interview with OVC staff, where an OVC staff member will complete the TVSSA Proposal Narrative Questionnaire using information the applicant provides.
If you choose to complete your Proposal Narrative Questionnaire via interview, please contact us at [email protected] by March 14, 2025. With your request, please indicate whether you plan to conduct renovation/construction/modular building activities, so that staff can schedule sufficient time to complete both the Proposal Narrative Questionnaire and Construction and Renovation Efforts Questionnaire.
Pre-Application Webinars
OVC will conduct a series of pre-application webinars during which OVC staff will review funding opportunity requirements, provide step-by-step expectations on developing the application and considerations for developing the budget, capture guidance on how to apply, and answer questions. The webinar series may include the following topics:
- Application Preparation & Submission
- Developing a Budget
- Completing a Proposal Narrative
- Considerations for a Construction Project
Participation in this webinar series, while encouraged for potential applicants, is optional and not required. When the webinars have been scheduled, they will be posted to this page.
JustGrants Application Submission Webinars Are Held Every Wednesday
The JustGrants team facilitates weekly sessions for users to receive topic-specific training, direct technical assistance, and support on JustGrants system functionality. Register for the Application Submission webinars, held every Wednesday from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. eastern time for help with the application submission process.
Check out the Tribal Financial Management Center
The Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC) provides culturally humble, trauma-informed, victim-centered financial management training and technical assistance to American Indian and Alaska Native grantees as they manage their TVSSA awards. Assistance spans the life cycle of an award – from application preparation to award acceptance, and throughout the financial implementation, management, and reporting about the award outcomes.
TFMC Financial and Technical Assistance (TA) Specialists are available to support budget development and provide TA to FY25 TVSSA applicants.
Submit a request for TA to the TFMC Virtual Support Center at [email protected].
Contact your TFMC Financial Specialist for additional information or to request individualized TA. Visit the TFMC website for additional resources to support your application development, including Financial Policies and Procedures Guide Sheets.
Check out the Tribal Victim Services Training and Technical Assistance Center (T-VSTTA)
T-VSTTA is a capacity-building program for American Indian and Alaska Native communities. They provide tailored, victim-centered, and trauma-informed assistance to Tribal grantees and potential grantees. T-VSTTA supports victim services providers as they develop sustainable programs and walk with victims and survivors of crime on their healing journey. OVC funds the T-VSTTA program, available at no cost to those who qualify.
Building a victim services program can be a complex and challenging process. With over 100 years of combined experience in victim services, the T-VSTTA team meets you where you are, working together to build on the resilience within your community.
To submit a request for TA to T-VSTTA, please complete the Request Form.
Visit the T-VSTTA site to learn more about their services.