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Joyce Nottingham Miller

2003 National Crime Victim Service Award | National Crime Victims’ Service Awards

Joyce Nottingham Miller | National Crime Victim Service Award
Victims of Crime and Leniency Angel House Counseling Centers
Montgomery, Alabama

Joyce Miller works as a licensed counselor for VOCAL (Victims of Crime and Leniency) Angel House Counseling Centers in Montgomery, Alabama, which provide crisis intervention, trauma counseling, ongoing daily/weekly counseling, crime scene cleanup, and trial advocacy. Miller has worked with hundreds of families throughout Alabama. 

When Miller is not at work, she provides a 24-hour toll-free crisis hotline for crime victims. Miller receives many calls through the hotline and treats all of the callers with caring and patience. She is also on call with the Montgomery Police Department. 

When a homicide occurs, she immediately responds to the scene to assist the family members, regardless of the time of day. According to a parent whose daughter was murdered, "Joyce forgets no one. She calculates her life around victims—no rewards, no perks, no glamour, just the assurance of helping a victim through the night. Joyce's compassion and professionalism is an unsung combination. No one can count the number of encounters Joyce has with victims. She is my family's hero. I shudder at the thought of where I would be now without her."