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Funding Opportunity: Print Copies of OVC’s Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials

The OVC Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials can be used to support children and youth during their involvement with the justice system as a victim or witness to a crime. To increase access to the resources in this series, the Center for Justice Innovation is offering the opportunity to print and disseminate up to $10,000 worth of the materials.

Special consideration will be given to organizations that work directly with child victims and witnesses in rural or American Indian and Alaska Native communities, and that demonstrate a clear need for this printing opportunity.

Before applying, browse the materials, which are available in different languages, for children of different age groups, for children from Tribal communities, for young survivors of human trafficking, and for those navigating criminal and family and dependency courts. Then choose those that best meet the needs of the children and youth that your organization or agency supports.

The Center for Justice Innovation has contracted with a vendor to print and ship the materials to selected applicants.

Apply by: January 31, 2025.

Learn More and Apply Now(link is external)

This program is administered by the Center for Justice Innovation under a cooperative agreement with OVC.

Date Published: November 14, 2024