OVC provides five types of assistance to respond to incidents of terrorism and mass violence under the Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP).
- Crisis response grants (emergency, short-term, and up to 9 months) help victims build adaptive capacities, decrease stressors, and reduce symptoms of trauma immediately following an incident;
- Consequence management grants (ongoing, long-term, and up to 18 months) help victims recover and regain their ability to function;
- Criminal justice support grants (ongoing, long-term, and up to 36 months) facilitate victim participation in investigations or prosecutions directly related to the incident;
- Crime victim compensation grants (available during or after the crisis phase) reimburses victims for out-of-pocket expenses related to their victimization through state crime victim compensation programs; and
- Training and technical assistance (available during or after the crisis phase) helps federal, state, Tribal, and local authorities identify victim needs, coordinate victim services, develop response strategies, and address related issues. OVC may also provide consultants to draft the AEAP application and perform related tasks.
Please note that, on a case-by-case basis, the OVC Director may approve a limited amount of funding for administrative purposes deemed essential to the delivery of services and assistance to victims.
OVC provides five types of assistance to respond to incidents of terrorism and mass violence under the Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP).
- Crisis response grants (emergency, short-term, and up to 9 months) help victims build adaptive capacities, decrease stressors, and reduce symptoms of trauma immediately following an incident;
- Consequence management grants (ongoing, long-term, and up to 18 months) help victims recover and regain their ability to function;
- Criminal justice support grants (ongoing, long-term, and up to 36 months) facilitate victim participation in investigations or prosecutions directly related to the incident;
- Crime victim compensation grants (available during or after the crisis phase) reimburses victims for out-of-pocket expenses related to their victimization through state crime victim compensation programs; and
- Training and technical assistance (available during or after the crisis phase) helps federal, state, Tribal, and local authorities identify victim needs, coordinate victim services, develop response strategies, and address related issues. OVC may also provide consultants to draft the AEAP application and perform related tasks.
Please note that, on a case-by-case basis, the OVC Director may approve a limited amount of funding for administrative purposes deemed essential to the delivery of services and assistance to victims.