Abused children
Expanding Access to Spiritual Care for Child Abuse Victimst
This project will launch a pilot Youth Advocate Leadership Program where college students will participate in a paid victim advocacy fellowship program serving traditionally marginalized communities.
Enhancing Capacity of The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) Image Abuse Helpline
Ventura County Family Justice Center-Oxnard Satellite
Alaska Department of Public Safety, Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault intends to use funds to support statewide domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse services.
One Safe Place Macon Family Justice Center
Increased Capacity and Advocacy for Domestic Violence Victims and Survivors in Cuyahoga County
OVC FY 2023 Invited to Apply - Field-Generated: Youth Advocate Corps
This project will launch a pilot Youth Advocate Leadership Program where college students will participate in a paid victim advocacy fellowship program serving traditionally marginalized communities.
Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence and Their Pets
FY 2022 Building State Technology Capacity
Expanding Pediatric Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Services in Central Texas
Children's Justice Center SANE-P Program
North Dakota Human Trafficking
Expanding Human Trafficking Task Force Effectiveness - North Dakota
WV VOCA Technology Program
Widening Engagement and Support to Tackle the Oppressive Practice of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Chicago North Side (WE STOP FGM/C Chicago North Side).
Supporting Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Project
OVC FY 2021 Enhancing Juvenile and Family Court Responses to Human Trafficking
The goals of this program are to develop or enhance programs to provide direct services and diversion programs for youth in contact with the juvenile and family court systems who are victims of sex and/or labor trafficking or at risk for human trafficking. Applicants are invited to apply under two purpose areas.