Elementary school age (5-10)
Child/Youth Crime Victim Services Project
WV-TIME4K (Trauma Informed Mindfulness Engagement) For Kids
A Law Enforcement Guide on International Parental Kidnapping
OVC FY 2018 Child Victims and Witnesses Going to Court: A Package of Support Materials
OVC FY 2018 Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth
OVC FY 2018 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking
OVC FY 2018 Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Training and Technical Assistance
FY 2018 Non- Competitive Discretionary Grant, CTAS Purpoase Area 6 invitation to apply.
Nooksack Pilot Tribal CPS Program
2017 OVC Report to the Nation: Fiscal Years 2015-2016 Reaching Victims Everywhere
Polyvictimization Prevalence Rates for Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents: Breaking Down the Silos of Victimization Research
Victim Impact: Listen and Learn Curriculum
OVC FY 2017 American Indian/Alaska Native Training & Technical Assistance
Unite OKC Project - to identify persons with SMI as early as possible after a crime has occurred and link them to needed services and supports
2016 Victim Needs Assessment
OVC FY 2017 American Indian/Alaska Native Training and Technical Assistance Program
Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Technical Assistance Project
Partnering to Access Legal Services (PALS): A Needs Assessment for the Denver Wrap Around Legal Services for Victims of Crime Project
Office for Victims of Crime Fiscal Year 2017 Fellowship Program - Child Sexual Exploitation Fellowship
Vision 21: Multidisciplinary Responses in Complex Homicide Cases
Federal Trade Commission (FTC): How To Protect Your Child From Identity Theft
This FTC article offers informative steps to help parents avoid, recognize, and repair the damage caused by child identity theft.
OVC FY 17 American Indian/Alaska Native Training and Technical Assistance Program Invitation to Apply
The OVC AI/AN victim assistance program assists communities with developing comprehensive, culturally appropriate victim-centered services, and includes funding to AI/AN communities through both the DOJ Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS): Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities (CJA) Purpose Area 6 and the Comprehensive Tribal Victim Assistance (CTVA) Program Purpose Area 7, and the OVC Vision 21 Community Wellness Centers. Children's Justice Act Partnerships for...