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Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by OVC Director Jessica E. Hart During a Webinar Hosted by the Ohio Attorney General's Office

Good morning! Thank you, Attorney General Yost, and all the staff in your office who worked hard to make today's webinar happen. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to introduce myself and share a bit about the Office for Victims of Crime.

As previously mentioned, I was appointed the Director of OVC, a component of the Office of Justice Programs at the Department of Justice, in...

If You're a Victim of Crime, Help is Available

October 2016

This 2.5-minute video describes the help that is available for victims of crime by recognizing the effects of crime, identifying certain victims' rights that are guaranteed in most states, and describing services available from state victim compensation and assistance programs. If you or someone you know is a victim of a crime, there are resources. Visit www.ovc.gov/help for more information.