Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance Training
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Participants will learn about reporting requirements and due dates, navigating the Performance Measurement Tool (PMT), completing quarterly performance measure reports, and uploading semiannual reports into the JustGrants system. View the presentation.
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This recorded webinar is for new Human Trafficking victim service providers and Enhanced Collaborative Model task forces grantees funded by OVC in FY 2022 and forward. It provides information on performance measure reporting, reporting requirements and due dates, how to navigate the Performance Measurement Tool (PMT) and complete quarterly performance measure reports, and upload semiannual reports into the JustGrants system. View the webinar presentation slides.
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This recorded webinar is for Human Trafficking victim service providers and Enhanced Collaborative Model task forces funded by OVC in FY 2020 and forward. It provides information on the how collected quantitative performance measure data will inform semiannual narrative responses, shares new semiannual performance reporting tips and tricks, and shows grantees how examining their own grant performance measure data can build stories based on grant activity for their semiannual report responses. View the webinar presentation slides.
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This OVC webinar provides guidance for VOCA Victim Compensation Grantees on how to use the performance measure data entered into the Performance Measurement Tool (PMT) to inform the annual report. During the webinar, members of the OVC’s performance measurement team provide information on the annual reporting questions and explore each question and what responses should entail. The team also highlights how a clear and concise annual report can tell the story of the qualitative data and the grant activities completed by grantees. View the webinar presentation.
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This recorded webinar is for Human Trafficking victim service providers and Enhanced Collaborative Model task forces funded by OVC in FY 2020 and forward. It provides information on the performance reporting requirements, report types and due dates, and how to access and navigate the PMT platform for reporting purposes. View the webinar presentation slides.
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This recorded webinar for Office for Victims of Crime Transforming Victim Services grantees provides information on the performance reporting requirements, report types and due dates, and how to access and navigate both the PMT and JustGrants platforms for reporting purposes.
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September 30, 2021
OVC sets program goals and collects performance measures data that capture grantees’ achievements.
We encourage OVC grantees to view recently updated performance measures content for information and recorded webinars covering—
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OVC aims to support all grantees in reporting performance measures data thoroughly and accurately. OVC provides grantees with resources, including performance measures questionnaires, solicitation maps to locate performance measures topic areas, and system user guides.
Start with these resources:
OVC strives to uphold the intent of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and its subsequent reauthorizations to ensure that all trafficking victims receive justice and support in accessing the services they need.
OVC manages the largest amount of funding across the Federal Government dedicated to providing services to victims of human trafficking. OVC strengthens the response to human trafficking through grant...
Discretionary grants from OVC are used to fund national-scope projects and training and technical assistance to enhance the expertise of victim service providers. Such grants are awarded to states, local units of government, Tribal communities, individuals, educational institutions, and private nonprofit organizations.
These funds implement promising practices, models, and programs, and are used to address gaps in training...