National American Indian Court Judges Association
This organization supports American Indian and Alaska Native justice systems through education, information sharing, and advocacy.
This organization supports American Indian and Alaska Native justice systems through education, information sharing, and advocacy.
The Polly Klaas® Foundation is a national nonprofit that helps find missing children, prevents children from going missing, and promotes laws like Amber Alert that help keep children safe.
The Internet Crime Complaint Center allows users to file complaints online. Its website also offers statistics, scam alerts, and fraud prevention tips. The program is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National White Collar Crime Center.
The International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators promotes campus safety by providing educational resources, advocacy, and professional development.
The Corporation for National and Community Service provides opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to engage in service that addresses the Nation's educational, public safety, environmental, and other human needs to achieve direct and demonstrable results and to encourage all Americans to engage in such service. In doing so, the corporation seeks to foster civic responsibility, strengthen the ties that bind us together...
The Anti-Defamation League helps victims of discrimination or bias-motivated violence achieve redress of justifiable grievances through mediation, administration, or judicial means. It also provides information and training to law enforcement agencies on responding to victims of bias crimes.
In addition to domestic disaster relief, the American Red Cross offers compassionate services in five other areas: community services that help the needy, support and comfort for military members and their families, the collection, processing and distribution of lifesaving blood and blood products, educational programs that promote health and safety, and international relief and development programs.
The Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking is committed to the development of community-based responses to crime and violence that strengthen social harmony and individual healing through dialogue, repair of harm, and peace-building by providing technical assistance, training, and research in support of restorative dialogue practices.
The National Indian Child Welfare Association is a national organization focused specifically on the Tribal capacity to prevent child abuse and neglect.
The Commission provides ABA policies, training materials, legal briefs, and sample legal forms relevant to domestic violence issues and proceedings. The site also includes information about upcoming events and training opportunities and links to other resources and organizations.
Polaris Project's comprehensive approach to combating human trafficking includes conducting direct outreach and victim identification, providing social services and transitional housing to victims, operating the National Human Trafficking Hotline, advocating for state and Federal anti-trafficking legislation, and engaging community members in local and national grassroots efforts.
The mission of this association is to ensure accessible quality services for crime victims nationwide and to strengthen communication, training, and technical assistance to effectively respond to the issues and challenges of supporting those services.
VictimLaw is a unique and groundbreaking resource, which offers user-friendly access to thousands of victims' rights statutes (state and federal), Tribal laws, constitutional amendments, court rules, and administrative code provisions. VictimLaw is managed by the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center.
The Tribal Justice and Safety website provides information for American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal governments to further improve the safety of their communities. This site also provides information to the general public and other federal agencies to better understand the resources available for improving safety in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
The Institute promotes excellence in trauma-informed services to organizations nationally and internationally who treat clients with histories of psychological trauma and attachment disruptions.
The National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster coordinates planning efforts by volunteer organizations responding to disaster. It provides training, leadership development, published resources, case studies, and performance critiques to participating groups.
This organization provides the ongoing emotional support needed to help parents and other survivors facilitate the reconstruction of a "new life" and to promote healthy grief resolution.
The National Organization for Victim Advocacy advocates for dignity and compassion for those harmed by crime. Among the services they provide are skill-based and survivor-centered training to victim advocates and crisis responders.
NCVLI is an educational institution dedicated to promoting a fair and balanced criminal justice system through legal education, legal scholarship, legal information resources, and legal advocacy. NCVLI’s attorney staff accomplishes this mission by filing amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs in cases nationwide advocating for victims’ rights; providing legal technical assistance to attorneys who represent crime victims, and conducting trainings all across the country...
The National Crime Victim Bar Association educates attorneys, victim service providers, and the general public about civil legal remedies for crime victims. The National Crime Victim Bar Association also provides referrals for crime victims to civil attorneys in their local area.