Victim Advocacy
Elder Abuse Geriatrics: Describing an Important New Medical Specialist
A Conversation with Roberta Roper: The Evolution of Victims' Rights
Introduction to Trauma-Informed Victim Advocacy
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials
Office for Victims of Crime Grant Programs: Victim Services for Children FY 2019 Topical Snapshot
Providing Services to Victims Viewing a Trial at Multiple Locations
VOCA–Funded Elder Abuse Programs
Through Our Eyes: Children, Violence, and Trauma DVD
Through Our Eyes: Children, Violence, and Trauma
National Victim Assistance Academy Resource Paper: Intimate Partner Violence
National Victim Assistance Academy Resource Paper: Homicide
National Victim Assistance Academy Resource Paper: Child Abuse and Neglect
National Victim Assistance Academy Resource Paper: Elder Abuse
Start by Believing
Sponsored by End Violence Against Women International, this campaign is designed to inform and change the way individuals respond to victims of sexual violence.
New Directions From the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century- News Media Community
National Crime Victim Law Institute: Rights in Systems Enforced Project
This OVC-funded project supports a national network of legal clinics that provide legal representation to assist victims in asserting and seeking enforcement of their rights in criminal cases, and, as necessary during and in support of such representation, provide those victims representation on collateral civil legal matters arising from the victimization.
American College Health Association
ACHA is an advocate and leadership organization for college and university health. Its Campus Violence Task Force provides resources in support of prevention, intervention, and victim advocacy.
National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life
The mission of the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life is to eliminate abuse in later life by challenging beliefs, policies, practices and systems that allow abuse to occur and continue and to improve safety, services and support to victims through advocacy and education.
National Network to End Domestic Violence
The Network works closely with domestic violence coalitions, allied organization, and individuals to understand the ongoing and emerging needs of domestic violence victims and advocacy programs.