Apply for OVC Funding Opportunities
OVC funding supports efforts to develop, expand, and strengthen programs for victims of sex and labor trafficking.
Visit our Current Funding Opportunities page to view all open OVC funding opportunities, including funding opportunities to support anti-trafficking efforts.
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Other Funding Opportunities
Administration of Children & Families
The Office on Trafficking in Persons, Administration of Children & Families, provides funding opportunities to strengthen prevention, assist with victim identification, and provide services to survivors of human trafficking.
Additionally, the Family and Youth Services' Bureau Runaway and Homeless Youth Program supports street outreach, emergency shelters, and longer-term transitional living and maternity group home programs to serve and protect these young people.
Office on Violence Against Women
Administered by the Office on Violence Against Women, states and territories receive Violence Against Women Act funds to support programs for victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking. is a centralized location for grant seekers to find and apply for federal funding opportunities. This site also provides a learning center to help users apply for grant opportunities.
Overview of Office of Justice Programs’ Human Trafficking Programs
OVC is one of six components within the Office of Justice Programs (OJP). View the information below to learn about OJP human trafficking funding.
OJP Funding to Support Develop, Expand, and Strengthen Programs for Victims of Human Trafficking
OJP receives funding under 22 U.S.C. § 7105(b)(2) for the purposes of developing, expanding, or strengthening victim service programs for victims of trafficking. The table below outlines information about this OJP human trafficking funding from Fiscal Year 2011–present.
Fiscal Year | Human Trafficking Appropriation | Domestic Trafficking Victims Fund (transfer from HHS) | Total |
2011 | $10,354,000 | N/A | $10,354,000 |
2012 | $10,500,000 | N/A | $10,500,000 |
2013 | $12,403,575 | N/A | $12,403,575 |
2014 | $14,100,000 | N/A | $14,100,000 |
2015 | $42,250,000 | N/A | $42,250,000 |
2016 | $45,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $48,000,000 |
2017 | $45,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $48,000,000 |
2018 | $77,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $80,000,000 |
2019 | $85,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $88,000,000 |
2020 | $85,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $88,000,000 |
2021 | $85,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $88,000,000 |
2022 | $88,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $91,000,000 |
2023 | $95,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $98,000,000 |
2024 | $98,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $101,000,000 |
OJP Funding: Preventing Trafficking of Girls
OJP has received funding under the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 2020, Pub. L. No. 116–93, 133 Stat. 2317, 2410 and the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 2021, Pub. L. No. 116–260, 134 Stat. 1182, 1261 with funding authorized by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 to prevent/reduce victimization of girls who are vulnerable to sex trafficking. The table below outlines information about OJP human trafficking funding from Fiscal Year 2020–present.
Fiscal Year | Preventing Trafficking of Girls Appropriation |
2020 | $2,000,000 |
2021 | $2,000,000 |
2022 | $4,000,000 |
2023 | $5,000,000 |
2024 | $4,000,000 |
Overview of OVC’s Human Trafficking Programs
An overview of OVC human trafficking programs, primarily implemented under 22 U.S.C. § 7105(b)(2), is provided below. Please note that program format may change and that not all programs are funded every year. Visit the Map of OVC-Funded Human Trafficking Services and Task Forces to view all active OVC grantees and OVC-funded human trafficking task forces. Information about grantee-reported, anti-trafficking subawards, may be accessed on For OVC’s main anti-trafficking programs, search by CFDA # 16.320 and 16.035 and enter “Office of Justice Programs” in the Awarding Agency search field.
Comprehensive Services for Victims of All Forms of Human Trafficking Program
This program is designed to enhance the quality and quantity of services available to assist victims of all forms of human trafficking. Recipients of funding under this program seek to provide high quality services that address the individual needs of trafficking victims and by enhancing interagency collaboration and the coordinated community response to victims of human trafficking.
Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking Program
Law enforcement and victim service applicants both apply for funding to support the development or enhancement of multidisciplinary human trafficking task forces that work to identify victims of sex and labor trafficking and ensure that they have access to a comprehensive array of services.
Enhancing Juvenile and Family Court Responses to Human Trafficking
The goals of this program are to develop or enhance programs to provide direct services and diversion programs for youth in contact with the juvenile and family court systems who are victims of sex and/or labor trafficking or at risk for human trafficking due to past or current crime victimization, including child abuse and neglect.
Field-Generated Innovations in Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking Program
This program explores innovative ideas generated by the anti-trafficking and victim services fields to address gaps in programs and services for victims of human trafficking.
Field-Generated Strategies to Address the Criminalization of Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking
The purpose of this program is to end the criminalization of minor victims of sex trafficking and develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs to support victim-centered, trauma-informed, developmentally appropriate, and evidence-based responses to minor victims of sex trafficking.
Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking
The program support transitional housing and short-term housing assistance for victims of all forms of human trafficking.
Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Program
This program supports the provision of training and technical assistance and the development of tools and resources to assist service providers and the anti-human trafficking field in ensuring successful outcomes for survivors of human trafficking.
Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking Program
The purpose of the program is to improve outcomes for child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking. In 2015, Congress passed the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act. Section 103 of this Act establishes the possibility of funding for victim-centered grants focused on creating or enhancing collaborative, multistakeholder response to identifying and assisting child trafficking victims and investigating and prosecuting human trafficking cases involving children.
Increasing Legal Access to Victims of Crime Program
This program encourages innovations in access to justice programs with a significant human trafficking component. With this funding, grantee Equal Justice Works is implementing the Crime Victims Justice Corps of more than 60 legal fellows to increase capacity and access to civil legal assistance for victims of violence, including victims of human trafficking.
Integrated Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking
This program is designed to enhance the quality and quantity of services available to assist victims of human trafficking under the age of 18.
Preventing Trafficking of Girls
The goal of this program is to prevent/reduce victimization of girls who are vulnerable to sex trafficking.
Project Beacon: Increasing Services for Urban American Indian and Alaska Native Victims of Sex Trafficking Program
The purpose of this program is to increase the quantity and quality of services available to American Indian and Alaska Native victims of sex trafficking who reside in urban areas.
Services for Minor Victims of Labor Trafficking
The purpose of this program is to develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for minor victims of labor trafficking.
Services for Victims of Human Trafficking Program
The purpose of this program is to develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for victims of human trafficking. This program responds to specialized service needs that have been identified by the anti-trafficking field.
Training and Technical Assistance for Anti-Trafficking Service Providers
This project focuses on supporting OVC human trafficking grantees funded under the OVC Services for Victims of Human Trafficking and all Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking solicitations in meeting their award goals and objectives.