Access state-specific information, including events, and state VOCA formula funding program contacts.
OVC administers two Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) formula grant programs that support crime victim compensation and assistance—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation.
VOCA Victim Assistance formula grants support thousands of victim assistance programs throughout the Nation each year. States provide subgrants to local community-based organizations and public agencies that provide services directly to victims. Funds may also be used to address emerging needs, gaps in services, and training of victim service advocates.
VOCA-Funded Victim Assistance Program
Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice
Phone: 225-342-1573
VOCA Victim Compensation formula grants provide funding to supplement state compensation programs that provide financial assistance and reimbursement to victims for crime-related out-of-pocket expenses.
VOCA-Funded Victim Compensation Program
Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice
Phone: 888-684-2846
OVC administers two Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) formula grant programs that support crime victim compensation and assistance—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation.
VOCA Victim Assistance formula grants support thousands of victim assistance programs throughout the Nation each year. States provide subgrants to local community-based organizations and public agencies that provide services directly to victims. Funds may also be used to address emerging needs, gaps in services, and training of victim service advocates.
VOCA-Funded Victim Assistance Program
Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice
Phone: 225-342-1573
VOCA Victim Compensation formula grants provide funding to supplement state compensation programs that provide financial assistance and reimbursement to victims for crime-related out-of-pocket expenses.
VOCA-Funded Victim Compensation Program
Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice
Phone: 888-684-2846
State performance reports for the Louisiana Victim Assistance and Compensation Programs are below.
Find more information about performance measures for Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Programs.
State performance reports for the Louisiana Victim Assistance and Compensation Programs are below.
Find more information about performance measures for Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Programs.
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