OVC administers two Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) formula grant programs that support crime victim compensation and assistance—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation.
Additionally, OVC is charged by Congress with administering set-aside funds from the Crime Victims Fund for a Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside program which provide support to Tribal communities to enhance services for victims of crime.
State administering agencies are encouraged to the visit the VOCA Administrators website for information specific to managing formula grants.
VOCA Victim Compensation Allocations
Victim Compensation formula grants provide funding to supplement state compensation programs that provide financial assistance and reimbursement to victims for crime-related out-of-pocket expenses, including medical and dental care, counseling, funeral and burial expenses, and lost wages and income.
The OVC Director shall make an annual grant from the Crime Victims Fund to eligible crime victim compensation programs of 75 percent of the amounts the state paid out in eligible victim compensation claims during the preceding fiscal year (2 years prior to the grant year). For example, in FY 2019, a state reported a certified payout of $1,339,620, so the state is allocated to received $1,005,000 in their FY 2021 VOCA grant award.
VOCA Victim Assistance Allocations
Victim Assistance formula grants support thousands of victim assistance programs throughout the Nation each year.
The states provide subgrants to local community-based organizations and public agencies that provide services directly to victims. Direct assistance to crime victims includes crisis counseling, telephone and onsite information and referrals, criminal justice support and advocacy, shelter, therapy, and additional assistance. Funds may also be used to develop new programs that address emerging needs, gaps in services, and training of victim service advocates.
From the Crime Victims Fund deposits available for victim assistance grants, each state grantee receives a base amount of $500,000, except for the territories of Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and American Samoa, which are eligible to receive a base amount of $200,000.
The Republic of Palau’s share is governed by the Compact of Free Association between the U.S. and the Republic of Palau.
The remaining Crime Victims Fund deposits are distributed to each state, based upon the state's population in relation to all other states, as determined by current census data.
Additional Information About VOCA Victim Assistance and Compensation Allocations
Amounts allocated under each program vary by state and are determined by several factors.
Amounts allocated under each program vary by state and are determined by several factors. Read below for more information or go straight to the 2024 Crime Victims Fund Compensation and Assistance Allocation Charts for more information about your state.
Previous allocation charts and performance reports can be found in the Formula Grant Allocations Archive.
For more detailed information on the allocation of VOCA formula grants, please review the Crime Victims Fund Allocation Process.
Applying for VOCA Formula Grants
Applications for VOCA formula grants may be submitted online only by the state agency designated by the Governor to administer the VOCA victim compensation and assistance program.
Formula Grant Awards
OVC awards these compensation and assistance grants in accordance with VOCA, the Victim Compensation Guidelines, the Victim Assistance Rule, and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Grants Financial Guide.
Crime Victims Assistance and Compensation Program Performance Reports
The state crime victims assistance and compensation programs that receive VOCA formula grants are required to submit an annual performance report which includes information on all grants active during the fiscal year.
- Visit our data analyses page to access VOCA nationwide data analysis dashboards and reports.
- Visit the state map to view performance reports for individual states.
Explore New VOCA Data Dashboards
Interactive data dashboards provide an overview of key performance measure data on Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation grant programs for Fiscal Years 2021–2023.