Drug endangered children
$13.5 Million Awarded to Help Child Victims of America’s Addiction Crisis
President Trump is leading America’s effort to combat America’s addiction crisis by coordinating the efforts of Federal agencies working to help solve this crisis.
On Friday, October 16, 2020, the Department of Justice announced approximately $13.5 million in awards to 19 organizations under the Office for Victims of Crime Enhancing Community Responses to America's Addiction Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims program. Funding...
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention: Supporting Youth and Families Impacted by Opioid Abuse
This section of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's website provides information about its programs to serve youth and families with substance abuse challenges related to opioid abuse. Visit the site to learn about Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention funding, programs, and training and technical assistance to help children and their families.
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services: Drug Endangered Children Training Series
The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services at the U.S. Department of Justice, in partnership with the National Alliance For Drug Endangered Children, created a four-part training series to help professionals serve the needs of drug endangered children. The training covers: an overview of the issue, the long-term impact and needs of drug endangered children,prenatal substance exposure, and postnatal substance exposure.
Portrait of a Family in Recovery
This personal story—told by a mother and daughter—shows a family’s painful, touching, and hopeful journey through addiction and into recovery.
- Access a listing of all the videos in this series.
- Access companion resource guide.
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Healing for Native Families in an Urban Community
This video introduces programs in Portland, Oregon, offering culturally relevant health care and social services that members of any Tribe can access.
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- Access companion resource guide.
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The Tundra Women’s Coalition: Restoring Connectedness Broken by Trauma
This video highlights programs developed through the Tundra Women’s Coalition that provide the support teenagers need to cope with adversity and that connect youth with each other, their elders, their traditions, and the environment.
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Leech Lake Tribal Court: Care for the People
This video illustrates how cultural ways and collaboration between states and tribes can help connect people to effective treatment and support long-term recovery.
- Access a listing of all the videos in this series.
- Access companion resource guide.
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Santee Sioux Nation: Healing the Sacred Child
This video highlights two specific programs—the Horse Program and Fatherhood is Sacred. Both programs help families heal by working through the historical trauma and pain associated with drug endangerment.
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Wind River Tribal Youth Program: Connecting Youth with Tribal Tradition
Hear the perspectives of adults and youth as they reflect on historical trauma, the importance of talking and connecting across generations, and the critical role of cultural practices in healing.
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A Circle of Healing for Native Children Endangered by Drugs
This video describes the roots of alcohol and drug abuse in Native communities and illustrates the effects of drug endangerment in American Indian and Alaska Native communities along with cultural practices and programs that are working to heal individuals and communities across the Nation.
- Access a listing of all the videos in this series.
- Access companion resource guide.
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Funding Opportunity: OVC FY 2020 Enhancing Community Responses to America’s Addiction Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims
OVC is seeking applicants for the OVC FY 2020 Enhancing Community Responses to America’s Addiction Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims solicitation.
Applicants may apply under only one of the following purpose areas—
- Purpose Area 1: direct services to children and youth who are crime victims as a result of the nation’s addiction crisis, and
- Purpose Area 2: training and technical assistance for the direct...
National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children
This organization's mission is to break the cycle of abuse and neglect by empowering practitioners who work to transform the lives of children and families living in drug environments. The Alliance provides training and technical assistance to state drug endangered children alliances and all those in the community who assist and care for drug endangered children.
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA): Victim Witness Assistance Program
The DEA Victim Witness Assistance Program helps to ensure the rights of crime victims encountered in DEA investigations are met.