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Juvenile courts

Maya's Homes


Maya’s Homes—a companion piece to Brave Maya—tells the story of what happens to Maya after she is removed from her home and placed with another caregiver, her auntie.

To illustrate common occurrences in cases of child removal, the story follows Maya as she has questions about and adjusts to life in her new home; regularly...

Family and Dependency Court Resources

Family and Dependency Court Resources

Use these materials with children and youth who may have involvement with family and dependency court as the victim of or witness to a crime. The materials teach children about how the child welfare system works, what their rights are, and how they can cope with the difficult feelings they might have during the process.

Character booklets about court roles...

Human Trafficking: A Guide for Practitioners

A Guide for Practitioners

These materials were designed for youth aged 12−18 who have experienced sex and labor trafficking, to help inform and empower them as they navigate through the justice system.

Funded by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), these materials were created with the input of those with similar lived experiences, and expert practitioners working in the anti-trafficking field.

While the materials...

A Guide for Parents and Caregivers

A Guide for Parents and Caregivers

Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials includes materials for young children ages 2 to 6 years old, school-age children ages 7 to 12 years old, and youth ages 13 to 18 years old. For each age group, there are materials about the criminal justice system and the child welfare system, so you can choose the materials that will be...

What Is Your Job? In Family or Dependency Court


What Is Your Job? In Family or Dependency Court is a picture book in the Brave Maya series that explains the different roles of people that a child may interact with or hear about throughout their child welfare cases and in family or dependency court. It includes information on the role of the child in court and...

OVC FY 2021 Enhancing Juvenile and Family Court Responses to Human Trafficking

Closing Date

The goals of this program are to develop or enhance programs to provide direct services and diversion programs for youth in contact with the juvenile and family court systems who are victims of sex and/or labor trafficking or at risk for human trafficking. Applicants are invited to apply under two purpose areas.