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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP)


Section 4(c)(2)(C) Response of the Departments of Justice and the Interior to Not One More: Findings and Recommendations of the Not Invisible Act Commission Pursuant to Public Law 116-166

Date Published: March 2024

This document outlines the commitment of the U.S. Departments of the Interior and Justice to address the MMIP and human trafficking crisis. The response addresses the Commission’s areas of concern including—

  • law enforcement and investigative resources,
  • recruitment and retention of law enforcement,
  • data collection and reporting,
  • cross-jurisdictional coordination,
  • family and survivor resources,
  • improving public safety resources, and
  • Alaska-specific issues.

This response also recognizes that more must be done across the federal government to resolve this longstanding crisis and support healing from the generational traumas that Indigenous peoples have endured throughout the history of the United States.

When Your Child Is Missing: A Family Survival Guide, Fifth Edition

Date Published: May 2023

This resource is designed to help families identify, prioritize, and take actions that can assist law enforcement efforts to locate their children and return them home safely.

Federal Law Enforcement Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Violence Against American Indians and Alaska Natives, Including to Address Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons

Date Published: July 2022

The plan outlined in this report reflects a sustained and coordinated effort to focus the resources of the Federal government to address public safety in American Indian and Alaska Native communities, including the disproportionate rates of murders and missing persons.

Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP) Fact Sheet

Date Published: May 2022

Through the annual Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside (TVSSA) formula grant program, OVC administers funds to enhance services for victims of crime in Tribal communities. This fact sheet describes how Tribes can use their TVSSA funds to help missing or murdered Indigenous persons by:

  • Providing services to the family members of MMIP victims.
  • Generating awareness of MMIP among community members in general as well as individual MMIP cases.
  • Collaborating with Tribal, federal, and state and local officials to respond to MMIP cases.

Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance

Date Published: 2022

These guidelines address when and how U.S. Department of Justice employees work with victims and witnesses of crime to ensure that their voices are heard and that they are protected during criminal justice proceedings. The guidelines include cultural and linguistic considerations when working with victims from American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

Guide to Developing a Tribal Community Response Plan for Missing Person Cases

Date Published: 2022

This Guide is a resource for Tribes interested in developing a plan to respond to missing person cases that is tailored to the specific needs, resources, and culture of Tribal communities.

When a Loved One Goes Missing: Resources for Families of Missing American Indian and Alaska Native Adults

Date Published: November 2021

This guide provides information and resources to assist family members with the search for a missing adult loved one. Discover helpful steps to take while searching for a loved one, suggestions on how to cope with trauma, and a list of additional resources to help you navigate this difficult situation.

MMIW Toolkit for Families and Communities

Date Published: April 2021

This toolkit offers families, communities, and advocacy organizations guidance in understanding and responding to missing or murdered Native women cases.

Outreach & Resources for Native American, Tribal & Indigenous Communities

Date Published: 2021

This fact sheet highlights the technical assistance that the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children provides to assist Tribes in cases of missing or murdered children and young adults aged 18–21.

Native American Children Reported Missing to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (January 2009-December 2018)

Date Published: 2020

This report analyzes cases of missing Indigenous children reported to National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s hotline.

Implementation of the Ashlynne Mike AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act of 2018: A Report to Congress

Date Published: June 2019

This report to the U.S. Congress assesses the readiness, education and training needs, technological challenges, and obstacles that Indian Tribes encounter when integrating state or regional AMBER Alert communication plans as intended under the Ashlynne Mike AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act.

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls: A Snapshot of Data from 71 Urban Cities in The United States

Date Published: November 2018

This study deepens our understanding of the number and dynamics of cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in urban areas.

U.S. Department of Justice Journal of Federal Law and Practice

This two-part series addresses the serious issue of missing or murdered American Indian and Alaska Native people. Both journals contain multiple articles to help readers gain a holistic understand of the issue.