The OVC VOCA Center Resource Library provides a range of resources to help Administrators manage VOCA funding. Websites, fact sheets, toolkits, templates, videos, and other information are featured to strengthen and enhance victim services.
Resources are listed in alphabetical order. You can search by topic or enter keywords in the search box below. If there is a webpage or document not included in the library that you believe would be helpful to VOCA Administrators, please email the link or document to
Resource Library
Showing 1 to 70 of 70 entries
Category 1 | Category 2 | Resource | Date Published | Audience Type | Document Type |
Grants and Financial Management | (The) Audit Process, Office of Inspector General The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General (OIG) provides a 5-part series that explains the lifecycle of an OIG Audit, which may help VOCA Administrators understand and prepare for the audit process. | 2018/09/17 | Assistance and Compensation | Webinar | |
Grants and Financial Management | [Spanish Resource] Navigating Challenging Conversations with Survivors Tipsheet | 2023/03 | Assistance and Compensation | ||
Grants and Financial Management | Assistance SC Comparison 2021 | 2021/01/01 | Assistance | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Assistance SC Comparison 23 vs. 24 | 2024/11/05 | Assistance | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Assistance SC Comparison 23 vs. 24 [Spanish Resource] Comparación de las condiciones especiales en cuanto a asistencia a las víctimas entre los años fiscales 2023 y 2024 | 2024/11/05 | Assistance | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Assistance Special Condition Comparison FFY 21 vs. FFY22 | 2023/05/22 | Assistance | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Assistance Special Conditions Comparison 22 vs. 23 | 2023/09/25 | Assistance | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Automated Standard Application for Payments Training Manual Department of Justice User Training Manual for navigating the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) to drawdown funds and manage electronic payments. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Guide | |
Grants and Financial Management | CFR Changes Crosswalk | 2023/03 | Assistance and Compensation | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Changes to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) [Spanish Resource] Cambios al Código de Regulaciones Federals (CFR) | 2021/12/01 | Assistance | Excel | |
Introduction to VOCA (101) | Promising Practices | Characteristics of Well-Supported Payment Amounts for Lost Wages & Loss of Support The Office for Victims of Crime provides model characteristics of well-supported payment amounts for lost wages and loss of support that VOCA Compensation Administrators can rely on in designing auditable compensation programs that adhere to federal and U.S. Department of Justice grant record-keeping requirements. | n.d. | Compensation | Tip Sheet |
Promising Practices | Introduction to VOCA (101) | Charging and Certification of Sexual Assault Forensic Exams to Compensation Programs This information from the Office for Victims of Crime provides guidance to clarify the charging and certification of payments for sexual assault forensic exams with respect to the Crime Victims Fund Compensation Program. | 2021/01/25 | Compensation | Guide |
Grants and Financial Management | Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials The Office for Victims of Crime developed these materials to support children and youth during their involvement with the justice system as a victim or witness to a crime. Resources are provided by age groups (ages 2-6, ages 7-12, ages 13-18) and court type (e.g., Family and Dependency Court, Criminal Court). Guides for Parents/Caregivers and Practitioners contain suggestions for using the materials and some ways to support children as they experience being a child witness and/or victim. | n.d. | Assistance | Website | |
Grants and Financial Management | Compensation SC Comparison 23 vs. 24 | 2024/11/05 | Compensation | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Compensation SC Comparison 23 vs. 24 [Spanish Resource] Comparación de las condiciones especiales en cuanto a la indemnización a las víctimas entre los años fiscales 2023 y 2024 | 2024/11/05 | Compensation | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Compensation Special Condition Comparison FFY 21 vs. FFY22 | 2023/08/25 | Compensation | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Compensation Special Conditions Comparison 22 vs. 23 | 2023/09/25 | Compensation | Excel | |
Grants and Financial Management | Crime Victims Fund Resources The Office for Victims of Crime provides Crime Victims Fund resources including fact sheets and a video that explains the creation of the Fund, the impact it has made in services to victims of crime, and how the Fund is administered. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Website | |
Performance Measurement and Evaluation | Cross-Reference Matrix: Reasons for Rejection of PIs [Spanish Resource] Matriz de referencias cruzadas: motivos de rechazo de los indicadores de rendimiento | 2022/03/07 | Compensation | ||
Grants and Financial Management | Introduction to VOCA (101) | DOJ Grants Financial Guide The DOJ Grants Financial Guide serves as the primary reference manual to assist OJP, OVW, and COPS Office award recipients in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibility to safeguard grant funds and ensure funds are used for the purposes for which they were awarded. A searchable PDF version of the DOJ Grants Financial Guide and a history of changes made to the current guide is also available on the webpage. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Guide |
Grants and Financial Management | Funding Sources and Strategies | Funding Opportunities, Office for Victims of Crime This website provides information about the Office for Victims of Crime list of current funding opportunities. Discretionary grants for VOCA State Administrating Agencies and service providers are listed along with formula grant opportunities. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Website |
Partnership Resources | Introduction to VOCA (101) | Grants Financial Management Training, U.S. Department of Justice This is the link to the U.S. Department of Justice Online Grants Financial Management Training. Grant award administrators, financial managers, and other program staff may satisfy the financial management training by completing the "DOJFMT" course provided on this website. | 2019/01/03 Last modified | Assistance and Compensation | eLearning |
Partnership Resources | Introduction to VOCA (101) | Grants Management Resources, Office for Victims of Crime The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) provides grant management resources including: OVC Grantee Resource Guide on COVID-19; System for Award Management (SAM); Financial Management Online Training; Guidance for Conference Approval, Planning and Reporting; Requirements for Preparing OVC Funded Publications & Multimedia Products; Tips for Managing Grants; OVC Tribal Financial Management Center, Grant Monitoring, Office of the Inspector General Audits; and Civil Rights Compliance. | 2019/01/03 Last modified | Assistance and Compensation | Website |
Grants and Financial Management | Promising Practices | Helping Victims of Mass Violence & Terrorism - Planning, Response, Recovery, and Resources The Office for Victims of Crime, in coordination with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Victim Services Division and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism, developed this toolkit to help communities prepare for and respond to victims of mass violence and terrorism in the most timely, effective, and compassionate manner possible. | 2015/08 | Assistance and Compensation | Toolkit |
Grants and Financial Management | Promising Practices | Human Trafficking Capacity Building Center, Office for Victims of Crime The Office for Victims of Crime Human Trafficking Capacity Building Center exists to help organizations and tribes start, sustain, or grow their anti-trafficking work. | n.d. | Assistance | Website |
Grants and Financial Management | Important Deadlines for VOCA Aid and Remuneration Grants [Spanish Resource] Plazos límite de entrega importantes para la ayuda VOCA y las subvenciones de remuneración | 2022/03/07 | Assistance and Compensation | ||
Grants and Financial Management | Indirect Cost Rates: What Are They? | 2024/03/07 | Assistance | ||
Grants and Financial Management | Indirect Cost Rates: What Are They? [Spanish Resource] Tasas de costos indirectos: ¿Qué son? | 2024/03/28 | Assistance | ||
Grants and Financial Management | Indirect Costs Guidance and Resources, Office of Justice Programs The Office of Justice Programs provides direct links to online resources for a grantee to complete an indirect costs proposal and includes examples. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Other | |
Introduction to VOCA (101) | Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General (OIG) conducts audits of grant programs to ensure award recipients are complying with applicable statutes and are accomplishing the goals of the awards. The OIG website contains all audit reports completed on Crime Victims Fund programs, and information on how to report fraud, waste and abuse. | 2021/06/24 | Assistance and Compensation | Website | |
Grants and Financial Management | International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP) The Office for Victims of Crime International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP) provides assistance to victims of designated terrorist acts for certain expenses, regardless of the victim's legal state of residence. Eligibility, allowable expenses, and the application process for this program are on the site. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Website | |
Grants and Financial Management | Introduction to VOCA (101) | JustGrants and Automatic Standard Application for Payments Information The JustGrants and the Automatic Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) systems are used by the U.S. Department of Justice to administer grants. This site provides resources and training materials for users of these systems. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Other |
Grants and Financial Management | MMIP VOCA Expenses One Pager | 2023/12/27 | Assistance | ||
Partnership Resources | Monitoring Toolkit The Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) developed this Monitoring Toolkit to provide consolidated information, convenient links, and customizable templates. These resources help states build their capacity to monitor subrecipients effectively, from planning and risk assessment to conducting desk reviews and onsite visits. The Toolkit is available on the MyVOCA Resources section of OVC TTAC's website. | n.d. | Assistance | Toolkit | |
Partnership Resources | Grants and Financial Management | National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards The National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards (NACVCB) provides information and resources to assist in the administration of VOCA Compensation grants. The Member's Only section contains sample documents and resources from other states. | n.d. | Compensation | Website |
Partnership Resources | National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators The National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators (NAVAA) website provides information and resources to assist in the administration of VOCA Assistance grants. The Member's Only section contains sample documents and resources from other states. | n.d. | Assistance | Website | |
Grants and Financial Management | Navigating Challenging Conversations with Survivors Tipsheet | 2023/03 | Assistance and Compensation | ||
Grants and Financial Management | Non-Profit Verification | 2023/03 | Assistance and Compensation | Document | |
Grants and Financial Management | Organization Requirements- VOCA Assistance Subrecipients (Nonprofit Verification Requirements) | 2022/01/05 | Assistance | ||
Grants and Financial Management | OVC 2022 Victim Compensation State Certification Form Instructional Webinar | 2022/12 | Assistance and Compensation | Webinar | |
Grants and Financial Management | Performance Measure Denial Reason Crosswalk | 2023/03 | Assistance and Compensation | ||
Grants and Financial Management | Performance Measurement and Evaluation | Performance Measures Resources, Office for Victims of Crime The Office for Victims of Crime provides guidance on collecting performance measures to demonstrate achievement of program goals. Information about reporting program performance measures and how to access assistance can be found on this site. | Dates of resources vary. | Assistance and Compensation | Website |
Promising Practices | Introduction to VOCA (101) | Phrases that Work in Trauma-Informed Victim-Centric Writing | 2024/01 | Assistance and Compensation | |
Promising Practices | Phrases that Work in Trauma-Informed Victim-Centric Writing | 2024/01/12 | Compensation | ||
Partnership Resources | Promising Practices | Publishing Guidelines, Office for Victims of Crime This website provides Guidelines from the Office for Victims of Crime on creating documents, videos, and online publications that are funded with OVC grant dollars. | 2016/07 | Assistance and Compensation | Website |
Grants and Financial Management | Resource Guide on COVID-19 The Office for Victims of Crime developed this Resource Guide to help answer pressing questions about how to operate, provide services, and manage OVC grants during the COVID-19 pandemic. | 2020/05/14 | Assistance and Compensation | Guide | |
Grants and Financial Management | Sample Suitability Determination Award Condition Subrecipient Monitoring Checklist | 2022/11 | Assistance and Compensation | Checklist | |
Grants and Financial Management | Small Entity Compliance Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act's on Exemptions Guidance on Exempt vs. Non-exempt The U.S. Department of Labor's Small Entity Compliance Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act provides guidance to determine allowable overtime exemptions for staff and subrecipient staff. Understanding the exemptions is helpful during the grant budget review process and for monitoring activities. | n.d. | Assistance | Other | |
Grants and Financial Management | Subawards and Procurement Contracts under OJP Awards The Office of Justice Program (OJP) provides resources to assist in differentiating between subawards and procurement contracts under OJP awards. Resources provided include a toolkit, checklist, and resources for sole source justification. | 2016/11 (toolkit), 2017/06 (checklist), 2017/05 (sole source) | Assistance and Compensation | Website | |
Grants and Financial Management | The Green Book The U.S. Government Accountability Office created the Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government, or "Green Book," that sets the standards for an effective internal control system for federal agencies. The Green Book outlines standards that are reviewed during federal audits and Single Audits. | 2014/09/10 Revision issued | Assistance and Compensation | Report | |
Grants and Financial Management | Time and Effort Best Practices for VOCA-Funded Personnel OVC posted this resource in response to inquiries from the field on how to document salaries, wages, and fringe benefits for grant-funded personnel. | 2021/06/24 | Assistance and Compensation | Other | |
Grants and Financial Management | Timeline to Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding | 2023/03 | Assistance and Compensation | ||
Grants and Financial Management | Introduction to VOCA (101) | Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), Part 200: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards The Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) is the codification of the general permanent rules established in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. Federal Grants and Agreements are governed by Title 2 (2 C.F.R.) and most regulations applicable to state administrating agencies are in parts 200-299. The list of "Related Resources," on this webpage, provides a link to the annual edition, which allows users to search and download versions by year. | 2021/07/29 Data is current as of date | Assistance and Compensation | Website |
Partnership Resources | Training & Technical Assistance Center, Office for Victims of Crime The Office for Victims of Crime Training & Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) provides information and resources for VOCA Assistance subrecipients and useful toolkits for both VOCA Assistance and VOCA Compensation administrators. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Website | |
Introduction to VOCA (101) | Grants and Financial Management | Training and Technical Assistance Resources, Office of Justice Programs The Office of Justice Programs provides resources and training materials about grants and financial training, pass-through entity's oversight responsibilities for subrecipients, DOJ grants financial management principles for tribes, and training and technical assistance for specialized fields on this site. | n.d. | Assistance | Website |
Introduction to VOCA (101) | Grants and Financial Management | Tribal Financial Management Center, Office for Victims of Crime The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC) provides training, technical assistance, and resources to support American Indian and Alaska Native communities as they successfully manage the financial aspects of their federal awards. Through the OVC TFMC, financial specialists are available to provide services (at no cost) to tribal grantees, including onsite and offsite technical assistance, assistance in preparing OVC grant applications, and access to a Virtual Support Center. | n.d. | Assistance | Website |
Grants and Financial Management | United States Code of Victim Rights, Compensation and Assistance The United States Code (34 U.S.C. Ch. 201) is the federal law establishing the Crime Victims Fund, and the Office for Victims of Crime. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Website | |
Partnership Resources | USA Spending is a federal website that VOCA Assistance Administrators and staff can use to search all federal funding resources received by subrecipients to assist in monitoring and risk assessment. | n.d. | Assistance | Website | |
Performance Measurement and Evaluation | Promising Practices | Vicarious Trauma Toolkit, Office for Victims of Crime The Office for Victims of Crime Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (VTT) was developed on the premise that exposure to the traumatic experiences of other people, known as vicarious trauma, is an inevitable occupational challenge for the fields of victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, law enforcement, and other allied professionals. Organizations, however, can mitigate the potentially negative effects of trauma exposure by becoming vicarious trauma-informed. The VTT includes tools and resources tailored specifically to these fields that provides the knowledge and skills necessary for organizations to address the vicarious trauma needs of their staff. | n.d. | Assistance and Compensation | Website |
Grants and Financial Management | Introduction to VOCA (101) | Victims of Crime Act—Victim Assistance Program (PDF) This PDF version of the "Final Rule" or "VOCA Rule" outlines the Federal Register program requirements, use of funds for administration and training, subrecipient program requirements, subrecipient project requirements, and subrecipient allowable and unallowable costs for the Victim Assistance formula grant. | 2016/08/08 | Assistance | Other |
Grants and Financial Management | Introduction to VOCA (101) | Victims of Crime Act—Victim Assistance Program (Webpage) This Federal Register webpage provides an electronic version of the "Final Rule" or "VOCA Rule" and outlines program requirements, use of funds for administration and training, subrecipient program requirements, project requirements, and allowable and unallowable costs for the Victim Assistance formula grant. | 2016/08/08 | Assistance | Website |
Introduction to VOCA (101) | Victims of Crime Act—Victim Compensation Grant Program (PDF) This PDF version of the Federal Register outlines program requirements, program guidelines, and eligible crime types and expenses for the Victim Compensation formula grant. | 2001/05/16 | Compensation | Other | |
Performance Measurement and Evaluation | Introduction to VOCA (101) | Victims of Crime Act—Victim Compensation Grant Program (Webpage) This electronic version of the Federal Register outlines program requirements, program guidelines, and eligible crime types and expenses for the Victim Compensation formula grant. | 2001/05/10 | Compensation | Website |
Grants and Financial Management | Promising Practices | Vision 21: Transforming Victim Services, Office for Victims of Crime Final Report This report summarizes the Vision 21 initiative, launched by OVC in the fall of 2010, and outlines challenges and ways to advance the state of victim assistance in the United States. | 2013/05 | Assistance and Compensation | Report |
Grants and Financial Management | VOCA Compensation and Assistance Key Deadlines | 2023/03 | Assistance and Compensation | ||
Grants and Financial Management | VOCA Federal Budget Resource Document | 2023/12/27 | Assistance | ||
Grants and Financial Management | VOCA Victim Assistance Program Grantee Frequently Asked Questions The Office for Victims of Crime provides guidance through a list of frequently asked questions about the Performance Measurement Tool to assist VOCA Assistance Administrators in completing state annual reports and subrecipient quarterly data. | n.d. | Assistance | Tip Sheet | |
Partnership Resources | Grants and Financial Management | VOCA Victim Compensation Program Grantee Frequently Asked Questions The Office for Victims of Crime provides guidance through this list of frequently asked questions about the Performance Measurement Tool to assist VOCA Compensation Administrators in completing quarterly and annual data reports. | n.d. | Compensation | Tip Sheet |
Grants and Financial Management | Introduction to VOCA (101) | VOCApedia The Office for Victims of Crime VOCApedia resource tool provides answers on allowability questions related to the Victims of Crime Act Formula Victim Assistance Grant Program Final Rule. Answers include general provisions, match requirements, indirect cost rates, volunteers, pass-through entities, supplanting, subrecipient monitoring, reporting, allowable expenses, and more. | 2019/11 | Assistance | Website |
Grants and Financial Management | What You Need to Know about Background Screening: A Reference Guide for Youth-Serving Organizations and their Communities | What You Need to Know about Background Screening: A Reference Guide for Youth-Serving Organizations and their Communities This guidebook for leaders within a youth-serving organization (YSO), community members who volunteer within YSOs, and parents of children who participate in YSOs describes six layers of security screening an agency should consider when developing a comprehensive background-screening process. | 2021/03 | Assistance and Compensation | Guide |
Showing 1 to 70 of 70 entries