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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Conducting Child Abuse Investigations

Event Dates
Venue not yet announced

Newport, RI

Gather up-to-date information for the investigation and prosecution of all types of child abuse cases utilizing a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach.

Learn about medical evidence, interviewing child victims/witnesses and adult suspects/witnesses, along with legal issues involved in the investigation and prosecution of child physical and sexual abuse cases.

Discuss trends in offenders' use of technology, the use of sexually explicit images of minors (child pornography), and sextortion.

Learn law enforcement investigative techniques that capitalize on new technology.

Register by Monday, December 30, 2019.

Name: Vicki O'Brien
Phone: 877-798-7682
Email: [email protected]

Date Created: June 3, 2020