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American Indians or Alaska Natives


Funding First Awarded

OVC FY 11 American Indian and Alaska Native SANE-SART Program

Closing Date
Three awards of up to $108,000 each will be awarded to federally recognized Indian tribal governments and American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) organizations to enhance AI/AN communities’ capacity to provide effective and sustainable high-quality, victim-centered, multidisciplinary services and support for adult and child victims of sexual assault, and to ensure conformance to the Victims of Crime Act. Funding will be awarded to three diverse...

OVC FY 11 American Indian and Alaska Native SANE-SART Training and Technical Assistance

Closing Date
One cooperative agreement of up to $250,000 will be awarded to a nonprofit organization to support three diverse American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AIN) communities in conducting a comprehensive community needs assessment and developing a strategic plan that will enhance and build a sustainable, culturally relevant, victim-centered SANE-SART project; and to support the development and implementation of a National AI/AN SANE-SART Strategy. Applicants must have...