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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Child (under 12)

OVC FY 16 Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Technical Assistance Project Invitation to Apply

Closing Date
This solicitation will provide training and technical assistance resources to support state-level demonstration projects to address the enduring issue of child and youth victimization. Victimization, left unaddressed, can have serious, long-lasting consequences for children's physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that trauma left untreated may manifest into a range of physical, emotional, and behavioral problems. We pay for child and youth victimization in many ways...

OVC FY 16 Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Invitation to Apply

Closing Date
The Vision 21: Lining Systems of Care for Children and Youth program seeks to address the enduring issue of child and youth victimization by bringing together all of the relevant systems and professionals to establish a coordinated approach. The goal of this coordinated approached is to ensure that every child and youth who interfaces with these systems is assessed for victimization, provided timely and comprehensive...

OVC FY 15 Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Invitational Letter

Closing Date
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) launched its Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care Initiative in FY 2014 in response to recommendations from its Vision 21: Transforming Victim Services Final Report (Vision 21) and the final report released by the Attorney General's National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence. Recommendations in both reports aim to improve youth outcomes by addressing the enduring issue...