Elderly victim services
Lifting Up the Voices of Older Survivors
Victim-Centered Solutions to Elder Financial Exploitation
Victim-Centered Solutions to Elder Exploitation
OVC Commemorates World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 15, 2021
OVC Directory of Crime Victim Services
Office for Victims of Crime Grant Programs: Victim Services for Older Adults FY 2019 Topical Snapshot
Elder Fraud & Abuse
Learn about OVC efforts to address elder fraud and abuse and discover publications, resources, and training and technical assistance to help enhance services for victims.
Over $7.9 Million Awarded by Office for Victims of Crime to Improve Victim Services for Older Victims
In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the International Day of Older Persons—a day in which we reaffirm our commitment to protecting and promoting the rights of seniors—Attorney General Barr announced $9.4 million in funding to programs serving older victims of fraud and abuse.
This announcement included nearly $6 million in Office for Victims of Crime funding to support direct services to older victims...
Increasing Access to Healing Services and Just Outcomes for Older African American Crime Survivors: A Toolkit for Enhancing Critical Knowledge and Informing Action Within the Crime Victim Assistance Field
Senior Advisor for Victims Services and Human Trafficking Program Director Woolf Speaks at Grantee Meeting on Elder Abuse
On Monday, August 31, 2020, Office for Victims of Crime Senior Advisor for Victims Services and Human Trafficking Program Director Bill Woolf spoke at a webinar hosted by the National Elder Multidisciplinary Team (E-MDT) Training and Technical Assistance Center for E-MDT grantees.
He discussed the commitment of the Office for Victims of Crime to serve older victims of financial fraud, including the March 2020 launch of...
Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by OVC Director Jessica E. Hart During the Elder Justice Program Kickoff Training Webinar
Good afternoon, everyone! It’s my pleasure to join you all today.
I’d like to begin by thanking Silvia Torres on my team that is here with us today and a big thanks to Equal Justice Works and Justice in Aging for putting this together and inviting me to speak.
For more than three decades Equal Justice Works has guided law students and lawyers into public...
2013 NCVRW PSA—Protecting Elders From Financial Exploitation
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New National, Toll Free Hotline Provides Help for Victims of Elder Fraud
VOCA–Funded Elder Abuse Programs
National Elder Fraud Hotline
U.S. Department of Justice: Elder Justice Initiative
Responding to Elder Abuse: What Judges and Court Personnel Should Know (DVD)
National Victim Assistance Academy Resource Paper: Elder Abuse
Nursing Response to Elder Mistreatment Curriculum
Office of Justice Programs: Elder Abuse Special Feature
To address the need for resources and strategies related to elder abuse, the Office of Justice Programs presents this compilation of publications and related materials focusing on physical, sexual, and psychological abuse; neglect; and financial exploitation.