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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


Victim Impact: Listen and Learn (Child Sexual Abuse, Story 1)

December 2008

The video in this series (NCJ 223072) features the first-person account of Nia who shares her experience as victim of child sexual abuse and the ripple effect that victimization can have on family members and the community at large. A companion online only training curriculum is also available and includes a two part facilitator manual and a participant workbook.

Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country: An Introduction to the Issues

December 2016

OVC and the Office on Violence Against Women collaborated to produce this four-video series, designed for criminal justice personnel, victim advocates, and allied professionals who work with victims of sexual assault in Indian Country. This video provides an overview of alcohol-facilitated sexual assault in Indian Country, including prevalence, historical trauma, and responses.

A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: Community Responses with Victims and Offenders

October 2016

This video highlights holistic and community-based approaches to victims and offenders. It also addresses the significant impact historical trauma has had on some Alaska Natives. Offenders often return to their homes and communities; therefore, communities must be actively involved in reentry efforts to ensure the safety of victims and community members.

A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: Multidisciplinary Responses to Victims of Violence

October 2016

This video illustrates the multidisciplinary approach that brings together a range of professions to ensure timely, comprehensive, and victim-centered responses. Teams must be flexible and responsive to the range of short- and long-term needs of Alaska Native victims, including cultural, emotional, physical, and geographic needs.

A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: First Responders to Victims of Violence

October 2016

This video focuses on community-driven responses to victims in Alaska villages. Although many challenges remain, well-coordinated responses that integrate tribal- and community-based approaches with other resources are changing outcomes for victims and communities.

Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country: Services and Support for Victims

December 2016

OVC and the Office on Violence Against Women collaborated to produce this four-video series, designed for criminal justice personnel, victim advocates, and allied professionals who work with victims of sexual assault in Indian Country. This public awareness video addresses various types of support for sexual assault victims in Indian Country. 

A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: Responding to Survivors of Violence

October 2016

This video provides an overview of the multiple challenges victims face when pursuing safety and justice in Alaska, including geographic, climate, and jurisdictional realities. Traditional values, local customs, cultural practices, and trauma-informed care help victims to heal and serve to promote the well-being of communities.

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (VTT) was developed on the premise that exposure to the traumatic experiences of other people—known as vicarious trauma—is an inevitable occupational challenge for the fields of victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, law enforcement, and other allied professionals; however, organizations can mitigate the potentially negative effects of trauma exposure by becoming vicarious trauma-informed.