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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Victim Rights and Services

OVC FY24 Integrated Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
The goal of this program is to provide services that address the needs of minor victims of sex and labor trafficking through a continuum of trauma-informed, culturally responsive, and gender-responsive services to ensure their safety, security, and healing and to prevent them from being directed to or involved in the justice system.

Confronting Labor Trafficking Through a Victim-Centered Approach

February 2024

Brecht Donoghue, Director, OVC Human Trafficking Division, led this National Human Trafficking Prevention Month webinar to spotlight labor trafficking and resources available to survivors. Learn about labor trafficking victim needs and resources available through the re-launch of Framework, an OVC-funded, labor trafficking-specific training and technical assistance project.