Module 5: Self-Care
The Big Picture
It is easy to get caught up in the rat race, but sometimes we need to stop and look around. What gives our lives meaning? What do we want to do to achieve a meaningful life?
Define your lifetime goals by asking yourself, "How would I spend the next 5 years if I had the resources to do anything I wanted?"
Now look at how you spend your time on a daily basis, and examine how your activities reflect your sense of purpose in life.
The greater the discrepancy, the more likely you will be to experience stress. Reconciling your meaning system to your daily activity may involve either altering your "life meaning system" or changing your activities.
Where Do I Begin?
Start by identifying your current stress level. Evaluate and improve your coping abilities. Identify areas that need work, formulate a plan to correct deficiencies, and then implement it. The changes you make are worth the effort; they may literally add years to your life.
Symptoms of Severe Stress: A Checklist
How many of the following symptoms apply to you?
Confusion in thinking
Difficulty making decisions Less able to concentrate Calculation problems Forgetfulness Irritability Emotional shock/numbness Feeling overwhelmed Heightened anxiety Loss of emotional control Headaches |
Excessive sweating Loss of appetite or increase in appetite Rapid heart rate Elevated blood pressure Rapid, shallow breathing Changes in ordinary behavior patterns Decreased personal hygiene Increased or decreased association Withdrawal from others/apathy |
"The Burnout Club"Membership Rules
2. Be responsible for everyone's feelings.
3. Never say "NO."
4. Never take time off.
5. Live on fast food, and always eat at your desk or on the run.
6. Set impossibly high standards for yourself and everyone else.
7. Do it all yourself. Never delegate.
8. Be indispensable.
9. Work as many hours as possible.
10. Turn everything into a competition and always go for the win.
11. Never find the humor in any situation.
12. Always get involved in multiple projects.
13. Be overly critical of yourself and others.
14. Never ask for help.
15. Make your achievements more important than anything else.