Module 4: Providing Services
Keeping Track (forms and paperwork)
Although most people avoid paperwork, the effective Good Samaritans volunteer knows that it's important to
Measure progress.
Provide information for followup.
Plan for the future of the program.
Identify unmet community needs.
Account for grant funds.
Show partners and the community why the program is important and deserves their continued
General Guidelines for Paperwork
Always do paperwork within 24 hours of completing an assignment.
Fill out forms completely.
Use black or blue ink.
Sign and date the completed form, and print your name in addition to the signature.
Use the choices listed whenever possible. Avoid using "other" unless absolutely necessary;
narrative descriptions are more difficult to compile and evaluate.
Do not write anything on the form that could be used against a crime victim in a civil or criminal
Double-check your spelling. Accuracy is important, especially for the name, address, and
phone number of the victim.
Remember confidentiality. Paperwork should be protected and should not be seen by
unauthorized people.