Forms and Handouts
- Sample Volunteer Application Form
- Sample Training Agenda
- Crime Scene Record
- Service Record/Volunteer Notes
- Monthly Activity Report
- Exceptions Report (Problems, Complaints, Compliments)
- "Getting to Know You" Icebreaker
- Crime in America
- The Criminal Justice Process
- What Do Victims Want?
- The Effective Good Samaritan
- Ethics and Confidentiality
- Exercise 1; Value Voting
- Exercise 2: Ethical Decisionmaking
- The Road to "Normal"
- Factors Affecting Recovery
- Basics of Good Communication
- "Feeling Word" Vocabulary
- Victim Service Call Role Plays
- The Good Samaritans First Aid Kit
- General Guidelines for Volunteers
- Serving Specific Victims
- Keeping Track (forms and paperwork)
- Symptoms of Severe Stress: A Checklist
- The "Burn Out" Club
- The Cure: Refueling