Module 3: Basic Skills for Volunteers
Topic: The Basics of Good Communication
- Name at least four blocks to good listening.
- Demonstrate the use of nonverbal communication.
Learning Objectives
After training, participants will be able to
Basics of Good Communication
"Feeling Word" Vocabulary
Training Techniques
Divide participants into two equal-size groups. Have one group form a circle facing outward. Have individuals in the other group face a member of the first group. There will be five rounds of discussion topics. Participants will have 1 minute to talk to their partners about the topic. First give the instructions, making sure the participants understand them. Then, give the topic.
Round 1. Topic: "Explain to your partner how you decided to become a volunteer." The members of Group 1 respond, and their partners from Group 2 are to listen. Instruct Group 2 members to not listen and let their partners know it. After 1 minute switch roles.
Round 2. Topic: "Tell your partner how you feel about prayer in schools." Ask members of Group 2 to move one person to the left. Follow the previous instructions, but this time advise the listener to tell the other person why he or she is wrong. After 1 minute switch roles.
Round 3. Topic: "Tell your partner about the person in your life who is most important to you." Again, have Group 2 people move one person to the left. The general instructions are the same, except now tell the listener to make the conversation about him or her instead (rip off the communication). After 1 minute switch roles.
Round 4. Topic: "Tell your partner about a dream you have for the future." Again, have those in Group 2 move one person to the left and follow the same general instructions. This time, have members of Group 2 give their partners advice and insist that they agree with it. After 1 minute switch roles.
Round 5. Topic: "Tell your partner about personal qualities that you think will make you a good volunteer." Again, have Group 2 move one person to the left. Follow the same general instructions. This time, however, instruct the listeners to really listen and make sure they understand what the other person is trying to say.
Process the exercise, encouraging participants to share how it felt not to be heard. Notice that the exercise usually gets very loud by Round 3, but in Round 5, it is usually very quiet, as people listen intensely. Reinforce positive application of skills in the last round. As you move into the Active Listening skills module, use examples from the exercise to illustrate points.