Module 4: Providing Services
Sample Job Descriptions
Good Samaritans can assist crime victims in many ways. You may want to put some sample job descriptions in a Volunteer Toolkit folder to help you stay organized for providing these services:
Sample Job Description: PROPERTY REPAIR TEAMS
Volunteers will help secure a victim's home after a break-in, repairing windows, doors, locks, or fences as needed.
Upon initial contact from a Good Samaritans dispatcher
- Respond to emergency calls from the Good Samaritans volunteer.
- Call the victim and assess the situation.
- Call fellow team members.
- Meet at a predetermined area to ride together or follow each other to the scene.
Upon arriving at the scene
- Introduce the team and have team members show the victim their Good Samaritans badges with photo IDs.
- Assess the situation.
- Make repairs and determine whether followup services (nonimmediate repairs) are needed.
- If necessary, provide the victim with referrals for service according to his or her needs.
- Have the victim sign a form acknowledging that the team has completed the services needed.
After completing the call
- Report back to the Good Samaritans by phone and give the team leader a verbal report.
- Fax or mail a copy of the written report to
Good Samaritans
(Fax Number)
Volunteers will help victims clean up the damage from a criminal act and help the victim restore property to an acceptable state.
Upon initial contact from the Good Samaritans dispatcher
- Respond to emergency calls from Good Samaritans volunteers.
- Call the victim and assess the situation.
- Call fellow team members.
- Meet at a predetermined area to ride together or follow each other to the scene.
Upon arriving at scene
- Introduce the team and have team members show the victim their Good Samaritans badges with photo IDs.
- Assess the situation.
- Clean up the area (e.g., sweep up broken glass, clear debris).
- Provide the victim with referrals for service, if necessary.
- Have the victim sign a form acknowledging that the team has completed services needed.
When finished with the call
- Report back to the Good Samaritans by phone and give the team leader a verbal report.
- Fax or mail a copy of the written report to
Good Samaritans
(Fax Number)
Sample Job Description: REASSURANCE CALLER
Volunteers will provide support and resource referral information through followup phone calls.
- After you are trained and scheduled as a caller, the Good Samaritans Program will forward the name and phone number of a victim to you.
- Remember to identify yourself as a volunteer with Good Samaritans, a program of the sponsoring district attorney's office (or police agency).
- It is important to realize that the victim has suffered emotional trauma and may use you as a sounding board. Be patient and understanding.
- If you cannot answer a question, say that you will find the answer and get back to the victim.
- If the victim would like you to call again, determine the best time of day to call.
- Complete a Followup Call Report and send it to
Good Samaritans
(Fax Number)
Sample Job Description: COURT ACCOMPANIMENT
Volunteers assist victims through the court process.
- Contact the victim for the date and time of the court hearing. (Be empathic.)
- Send the victim a court information packet by mail.
- Accompany the victim to court (stay with the victim, know where the court restrooms are, provide information about restaurants and parking).
- NEVER discuss the court case with the victim (refer the victim to his or her lawyer).
- Encourage the victim to be honest and brave and support him or her in these efforts.
- To receive a copy of the court information packet, contact
Good Samaritans
(Fax Number)