Module 3: Basic Skills for Volunteers
Useful Phrases for Crisis Intervenors
"You are safe now" (if they are).
"I'm glad you're here with me now."
"I'm glad you're talking with me now."
"I am sorry this (specify what the "this" is) happened to you."
"This wasn't your fault."
"Your reaction is not an uncommon response to an abnormal event."
"It's understandable that you feel that way."
"It must have been upsetting to see (or hear, feel, smell) that."
"You are not going crazy."
"Things may never be the same, but they can get better, and you can get better."
"You are experiencing normal reactions to a traumatic event."

"Crash" Davis, a character in the movie "Bull Durham"

Clutch Phrases
Face itwe all have times when we're at a loss for words. When you find yourself carrying the entire conversation, rely on the following clutch phrases to help get the victim talking again:
"What do you want to do?"
"How do you feel about that?"
"And how do you get along with . . .?"
"What do you think would happen if you did that?"
"What have you tried so far?"
"What do they think about that?"
"How is that?"
"What does that mean to you?"
"What do you think about that?"
"What is it that bothers you about that?"
"How do they act?"
"Have you considered _________? How does that sound to you?"
"In what way?"
"How do you mean?"
"How do you think they would react if you . . .?"
"Do you want to?"
"What would you like?"
"What is the best/worst thing that could happen?"