Identity theft
January 2024 Featured Resources
Long-term Services & Supports: LGBTQ+ Equity
January 2023 Featured Resources
March 2022 Featured Resources
OVC Directory of Crime Victim Services
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services - Template Package II: Protocols and Documentation
2020 National Identity Theft Victims Assistance Network (NITVAN) Identity Theft Coalition Building Toolkit
Expanding Services To Reach Victims of Identity Theft and Financial Fraud
Identity Theft
Victims of identity theft experience a wide variety of incidents such as the misuse of existing credit card, bank, or other accounts; the creation of new accounts; and the misuse of personal information. Victims may face seemingly insurmountable hurdles as they work to address the crimes they are currently experiencing and prevent their future victimization.
The following resources provide information on identity theft.
Identity Theft Victim Assistance Online Training: Supporting Victims' Financial and Emotional Recovery
Victim Assistance Training (VAT) Online
Financial and economic crimes cost American individuals and businesses billions of dollars every year, causing both financial and emotional distress.
Financial fraud occurs when someone uses deception or misrepresentation for financial gain. With ongoing technological breakthroughs and the globalization of commerce, today’s con artists have a new arsenal of weapons to use in defrauding consumers and stealing personal information.
The following resources provide information on fraud.
Mobile Apps for Crime Victims and Providers
The following mobile applications (apps) provide information and resources about various types of victimization.
The inclusion of a mobile app on this page does not constitute an official endorsement, guarantee, or approval by OVC.
Before downloading any app, you may be interested in reviewing information from the Safety Net Project, a project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
OVC-Funded Apps
National Elder Fraud Hotline
Funding Opportunity: 2018 National Identity Theft Assistance Network Expansion Program
The Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), through a cooperative agreement with U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), announced a new grant opportunity under the National Identity Theft Assistance Network Expansion Program (NITVAN II).
Through NITVAN II, ITRC awarded six grants to coalition leaders across the nation in 2017. Learn more about these identity theft and cybercrime coalitions.
ITRC anticipates making up...
Research Brief: Identity Theft and Fraud
Virtual Victim Assistance Network (Project ViViAN)
Identity Crime Assistance Network (Project ICAN): Enhancing Services to Blind, Low Vision, Hard of Hearing and Deaf Communities
VictimConnect Resource Center - Confidential referrals for crime victims
VictimConnect serves victims of any crime in the United States. Trained specialists are available to help you locate referrals for mental health counseling, financial compensation, legal services, and more. Call or text 855-484-2846 or chat online, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., eastern time.
National Identity Theft Victims Assistance Network
This OVC-funded program seeks to expand and improve the outreach and capacity of victim service programs to assist victims of identity theft and cybercrime. This national network seeks to build capacity to provide assistance to victims of these crimes and encourage the expansion of existing victim service programs and coalitions.
2016 Victim Needs Assessment
Developing an Elder Abuse Case Review Multidisciplinary Team in Your Community
Federal Trade Commission (FTC): How To Protect Your Child From Identity Theft
This FTC article offers informative steps to help parents avoid, recognize, and repair the damage caused by child identity theft.