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Law enforcement

Over $7.9 Million Awarded by Office for Victims of Crime to Improve Victim Services for Older Victims

In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the International Day of Older Persons—a day in which we reaffirm our commitment to protecting and promoting the rights of seniors—Attorney General Barr announced $9.4 million in funding to programs serving older victims of fraud and abuse.

This announcement included nearly $6 million in Office for Victims of Crime funding to support direct services to older victims...

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by OVC Director Jessica E. Hart During a Human Trafficking Roundtable in Georgia

Good afternoon, everyone! Thank you all for being here today, and more importantly thank you for your continued efforts combating human trafficking.

Thank you especially to Governor Kemp for hosting this discussion. I greatly appreciate everything you have been doing to make combatting trafficking a top priority in Georgia.

Also, a special thank you to First Lady Marty Kemp who has been with us throughout...

Principal Deputy Director Woolf Speaks About Combating Sex Trafficking

On Thursday, August 27, 2020, Office for Victims of Crime Principal Deputy Director Bill Woolf spoke at the 2020 Virtual Law Enforcement & Human Trafficking Conference.

Principal Deputy Director Woolf, a former detective and human trafficking task force lead investigator, provided information to law enforcement personnel about the involvement of gangs in sex trafficking. He discussed the economics of sex trafficking and how gangs recruit...

Director Hart Discusses Services to Victims of Human Trafficking at Grantee Orientation

On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, Office for Victims of Crime Director Jessica E. Hart spoke at the FY 2019 Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking Grantee Orientation.

In her remarks, Director Hart addresses the challenges faced by human trafficking task forces to identify and serve victims during the pandemic and highlights the commitment by the Trump Administration and the Department of Justice...

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by OVC Director Jessica E. Hart During the FY 2019 Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking Grantee Orientation

Good afternoon, everyone! Domingo [Herraiz], thank you for that introduction and to the IACP for hosting today’s event and inviting me to be here with you today.

I’m so honored to be joining you all here on day 2 of this training. As you all know combating human trafficking is a top priority for the Office for Victims of Crime, the Department of Justice, and...

Message from OVC Director Jessica E. Hart on Human Trafficking Initiatives

July 2020

This Office for Victims of Crime video message from Director Jessica E. Hart describes a consolidation of law enforcement, juvenile justice, and victim services human trafficking initiatives at the Office of Justice Programs into one division at the Office for Victims of Crime. This consolidation better aligns funding, training, assistance, and other resources in support of Attorney General Barr’s efforts to use every means at the Department of Justice’s disposal to bring traffickers to justice and serve trafficking victims.

July 2020 Featured Resources

2021 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week

In 2021, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week will be commemorated April 18–24. The theme—Support Victims. Build Trust. Engage Communities.— emphasizes the importance of leveraging community support to help victims of crime.

Subscribe to the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week subscription list, for the latest updates.

Submit Your Nominations for the 2021 National Crime Victims’ Service...

A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: First Responders to Victims of Violence

October 2016

This video focuses on community-driven responses to victims in Alaska villages. Although many challenges remain, well-coordinated responses that integrate tribal- and community-based approaches with other resources are changing outcomes for victims and communities.