Property crime
2021 National Crime Victimization Survey Data Released
Criminal Victimization, 2021
OVC Help Series for Crime Victims: Robbery
Victim Assistance Training (VAT) Online
National Elder Fraud Hotline
Research Brief: Identity Theft and Fraud
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection: Frauds and Scams
The Bureau Consumer Financial Protection works to protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices and take action against companies that break the law. This resource page provides guidance to help you prevent, recognize, and report scams and fraud.
Law Enforcement's Role in Victim Compensation
Victim Impact: Listen and Learn Curriculum
National Identity Theft Victims Assistance Network
This OVC-funded program seeks to expand and improve the outreach and capacity of victim service programs to assist victims of identity theft and cybercrime. This national network seeks to build capacity to provide assistance to victims of these crimes and encourage the expansion of existing victim service programs and coalitions.
Developing an Elder Abuse Case Review Multidisciplinary Team in Your Community
Federal Trade Commission (FTC): How To Protect Your Child From Identity Theft
This FTC article offers informative steps to help parents avoid, recognize, and repair the damage caused by child identity theft.
Exploring Elder Financial Exploitation Victimization: Identifying Unique Risk Profiles and Factors To Enhance Detection, Prevention and Intervention
Federal Trade Commission (FTC): provides a comprehensive collection of resources for identity theft victims, including information on how to know if you're a victim and what steps should be taken if your identity has been stolen.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS): Identity Theft Central
An identity thief may use your Social Security number for employment which will cause the employer to use your Social Security number to report income earned. Thieves may also file a false tax return in order claim a tax refund. This section of the IRS site provides information on the steps the agency is taking combat identity theft and protect taxpayers. If you believe you...
U.S. Postal Inspection Service
The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is responsible for investigating fraudulent use the U.S. Mail and postal system. Victims of mail crime, including identity theft, fraud and mail theft, can file a report with this office.