Technical assistance (TA)
Arctic Village Establishment of Tribal Victim Services and Safe Home
FCPC Network of Victim Services Program
Creating a National Resource Center Providing Training and Technical Assistance That Enhances Service Providers' Capacity to Support and Integrate Victim-Related Research and Evaluation Activities
Establishment of a New Victim Service Program
EBCI DV Domestic Advocate/Shelter Specialist
Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Provider
TCC Tribal Victim Assistance Project for Victims of crime
MCN FVPP Victims Services Set Aside
Integrity, Action, and Justice: Strengthening Law Enforcement Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence National Demonstration Initiative
Bridging the Gap: Screening, Identifying, and Serving Minor Victims of Trafficking in the Emergency Department Setting
- Hennepin County
Big Sandy Children & Youth In-Home Services Program
Moving Upstream: Building a Trauma-Informed Community Response for Our Youngest Victims of the Opioid Crisis in Cheshire County
Enhancing the CAC Response to the Opioid Crisis in Southern Arizona
Joining Forces For Children
Training & Technical Assistance
OVC facilitates training through the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC), grantees, and cooperative agreements with partner organizations, to assist the field in building its collective capacity to serve crime victims. Learn more about how your organization can build is capacity to serve crime victims below.
OVC TTAC provides comprehensive training, technical assistance, and other support to assist the...
Create a Comprehensive Justice System and Counseling Center
Strengthening Victim Witness Advocacy
Skokomish Tribal Victims Assistance Program
Enhancing Law Enforcement Human Trafficking Task Force Operations
OVC FY 2019 Law Enforcement-Based Direct Victim Services and Technical Assistance Program Invitation to Apply
OVC FY 2019 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Community Awareness Projects (2020)
OVC FY 2019 Improving Outcomes for Children and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Program Invitation to Apply
OVC competitively awarded funds to RTI in FY 2018 to provide TTA to sites funded under the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking program. OVC would like to offer RTI the opportunity to non-competitively apply for continuation funding to provide this TTA, as well as expanding its TTA to additional Improving Outcomes program sites that OVC anticipates funding in FY 2019 and...