Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Virtual Consultation: BIA Pacific Region Second Session
Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Virtual Consultation: BIA Pacific Region First Session
Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Virtual Consultation: BIA Western and Navajo Regions
Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Virtual Consultation: BIA Northwest Region
Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Virtual Consultation: BIA Southwest Region
Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Virtual Consultation: Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Regions
Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Virtual Consultation: BIA Southern Plains and Eastern Oklahoma Regions
Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Virtual Consultation: BIA Midwest Region
Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Virtual Consultation: BIA Eastern Region
Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country
Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country: Navajo Nation (Case Study)
OVC and the Office on Violence Against Women collaborated to produce this four-video series, designed for criminal justice personnel, victim advocates, and allied professionals who work with victims of sexual assault in Indian Country. This case study provides information about trial techniques for and multidisciplinary responses to cases of alcohol-facilitated sexual assault.
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Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country: Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska (Case Study)
OVC and the Office on Violence Against Women collaborated to produce this four-video series, designed for criminal justice personnel, victim advocates, and allied professionals who work with victims of sexual assault in Indian Country. This case study provides information about trial techniques for and multidisciplinary responses to cases of alcohol-facilitated sexual assault.
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Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country: An Introduction to the Issues
OVC and the Office on Violence Against Women collaborated to produce this four-video series, designed for criminal justice personnel, victim advocates, and allied professionals who work with victims of sexual assault in Indian Country. This video provides an overview of alcohol-facilitated sexual assault in Indian Country, including prevalence, historical trauma, and responses.
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A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: Federal Responses to Sex Trafficking in Alaska
This video introduces the issue of sex trafficking of Alaska Natives, especially adolescents and women who travel to urban areas from the villages and then lack the resources to return home. Awareness, outreach, safety, support, services, training, and enforcement are all critical elements discussed in the video. Each of these elements is key to successfully addressing sex trafficking.
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A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: Community Responses with Victims and Offenders
This video highlights holistic and community-based approaches to victims and offenders. It also addresses the significant impact historical trauma has had on some Alaska Natives. Offenders often return to their homes and communities; therefore, communities must be actively involved in reentry efforts to ensure the safety of victims and community members.
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A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: Multidisciplinary Responses to Victims of Violence
This video illustrates the multidisciplinary approach that brings together a range of professions to ensure timely, comprehensive, and victim-centered responses. Teams must be flexible and responsive to the range of short- and long-term needs of Alaska Native victims, including cultural, emotional, physical, and geographic needs.
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A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: First Responders to Victims of Violence
This video focuses on community-driven responses to victims in Alaska villages. Although many challenges remain, well-coordinated responses that integrate tribal- and community-based approaches with other resources are changing outcomes for victims and communities.
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Bureau of Indian Affairs: Victim Assistance Program
This program offers direct services to victims including crisis intervention, referrals and information for mental and emotional health and other types of specialized responses, provide emergency services and transportation, and follow up for additional assistance.
Partners in Justice—BIA Victim Specialists
This video, prepared by OVC and the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), presents an overview of the BIA Victim Specialist Program and identifies some of the program's successes and challenges providing services to victims of crime in Indian Country.
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Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country: Services and Support for Victims
OVC and the Office on Violence Against Women collaborated to produce this four-video series, designed for criminal justice personnel, victim advocates, and allied professionals who work with victims of sexual assault in Indian Country. This public awareness video addresses various types of support for sexual assault victims in Indian Country.
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A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: Responding to Survivors of Violence
This video provides an overview of the multiple challenges victims face when pursuing safety and justice in Alaska, including geographic, climate, and jurisdictional realities. Traditional values, local customs, cultural practices, and trauma-informed care help victims to heal and serve to promote the well-being of communities.
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Victim Assistance Training (VAT) Online
Funding Opportunity: FY 2020 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation
The U.S. Department of Justice is seeking applicants for its Fiscal Year 2020 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS).
CTAS provides comprehensive funding to federally recognized Tribes, Tribal consortia, and Tribal designees to develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization.
CTAS applicants have the flexibility to submit a single application and select from any or all of the purpose areas, including...
Attend a Tribal Consultation on Tribal Set-Aside Funding from the Crime Victims Fund
OVC invites Tribal leaders, representatives, and stakeholders to participate in a Tribal Consultation on Tribal Set-Aside Funding from the Crime Victims Fund. Attendees will discuss tribal set-aside funding and how it can be programmed.
An in-person government to government consultation will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2020, from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m., in conjunction with the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) 2020 Executive...