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Expired Funding Opportunities

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This page presents expired funding opportunities from OVC. Use the search filters below to find specific solicitations. Click on a solicitation title to see details about the solicitation along with any resulting awards.

OVC FY 2020 Expanding SANE Services to Victims of Sexual Assault on Campus

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OVC is seeking applications to establish and/or expand Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs that will offer medical forensic care, advocacy, and other victim services to sexual assault survivors on college campuses. OVC anticipates making up to 16 awards up to $500,000 for a 36-month period of performance, to begin on October 1, 2020. Apply by May 7, 2020.

OVC FY 2020 Enhancing Services for Older Victims of Abuse and Financial Exploitation

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OVC is seeking applications to implement projects intended to improve outcomes, minimize additional trauma, and restore safety and security to older adult victims of abuse and financial exploitation. OVC anticipates making up to 12 awards up to $500,000. OVC expects to make awards for a 36-month period of performance, to begin on October 1, 2020. OVC expects to make awards for a 36-month period of performance, to begin on October 1, 2020. Apply by May 5, 2020.

OVC FY 2020 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Program

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This solicitation complements and builds on OVC’s prior tribal victim services set-aside discretionary funding program to improve services for victims of crime in tribal communities. Interested tribal applicants will be required to submit a pre-application with eligibility information, and a full application if OVC notifies them they are eligible to apply for a specified award amount. OVC anticipates funding awards in the range of $350,000 to $3 million. Amounts per tribe will be determined by a formula described in the Program-Specific Information section of the solicitation.

OVC FY 2020 Enhancing Community Responses to America's Addiction Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims

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This program will provide funding to support direct services to children and youth who are crime victims as a result of the nation's addiction crisis (Purpose Area 1); and training and technical assistance for the direct services grantees (Purpose Area 2). Applicants may apply under only one of the purpose areas. OVC anticipates making up to 25 awards under purpose area 1 of up to $700,000 each and 1 award under purpose 2 of up to $1.5 million. OVC expects to make awards for a 36-month period of performance, to begin on October 1, 2020. Apply by May 4, 2020.

OVC FY 2020 Addressing Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting

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The goal of this program is to deliver programming to address and help stop the practice of female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM) under two purpose areas (PAs). PA 1: a training and technical assistance provider will educate law enforcement, public health professionals, educators, and other professionals on detecting at-risk girls and provide support to the project sites. PA 2: project sites will develop services to deliver to victims of FGM and work to increase education, detection, and local partner engagement to address and help stop victimization through FGM.

OVC FY 2020 Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of Crime Invitation to Apply

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This cooperative agreement, authorized by 34 U.S.C. § 20103(c)(1)(A), will enable The National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (National DEC) and their project partners to develop an innovative technology application (a mobile phone app) to improve access to information and services for drug endangered children in four diverse communities that can be replicated nationally. The app will include information about the impacts of drug abuse on children, and links to national and local services that address their trauma.

OVC FY 2020 Crime Victims' Rights Legal Clinics

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This initiative is intended to support or expand on federal, state, local, and tribal efforts to enforce crime victims' rights. Applicants may apply under the following purpose areas: victims' rights legal clinics that will provide legal representation to victims and train allied professionals in an effort to enforce victims' rights in the criminal justice process (Purpose Area 1), and one training and technical assistance provider to provide support to the selected legal clinics (Purpose Area 2).

OVC FY 2020 Crime Victim Compensation Program Assessment

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The goal of this project is to increase awareness of victim compensation programs and interest in seeking victim compensation. To achieve this goal, successful applicants will conduct an assessment of the state's current compensation program, develop an implementation plan based on the assessment, and execute the implementation plan. OVC anticipates making up to 6 awards of up to $350,000 each. OVC expects to make awards for a 36-month period of performance, to begin on October 1, 2020. Apply by April 20, 2020.

OVC FY 2020 Law Enforcement-Based Victim Specialist Program

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The goal of this program is to assist state, tribal, and local law enforcement agencies in developing or enhancing victim specialist programs that connect victims and families to much-needed services. Awards will be made under four purpose areas based on the type of law enforcement agency (small, mid-size, large, or tribal).

OVC FY 2020 State Victim Liaison Project

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The State Victim Liaison Project will place one or more experienced crime victim liaison(s) within selected VOCA State Administrating Agencies to act as a bridge between the state and other state-based non-governmental organizations to identify gaps in victim services and improve and increase access to resources for crime victims in rural/tribal areas, older victims, and victims of violent crime.

OVC FY 20 CTAS Purpose Area 6: Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Program

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This solicitation provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia an opportunity to develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization issues and to apply for funding. DOJ's existing Tribal Government-specific programs are included in and available through this single Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation.

OVC FY 2020 Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking

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The program will support the following types of housing assistance for victims of all forms of human trafficking: (1) transitional housing, including funding for the operating expenses of a newly developed or existing transitional housing program; (2) short-term housing assistance, including rental or utilities payment assistance and assistance with related expenses. Projects must also include support services designed to enable victims of human trafficking and any dependents to locate and secure permanent housing and find employment. Apply by February 3, 2020.

OVC FY 2018 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Program

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Under the solicitation, OVC will award eligible tribes, tribal consortia, and tribal designees grants to support a wide-range of services for victims of crime. OVC anticipates making up to $110 million available through this solicitation to support tribes to improve victim services. In developing the scope of activities allowable with this funding, OVC took into account input from tribal leaders and other stakeholders regarding needs for victim services in tribal communities.

OVC FY 2019 Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) for Crime Victim Compensation and Assistance

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AEAP is designed to provide supplemental crime victim compensation and crime victim assistance following mass violence or domestic terrorism incidents. AEAP is a mechanism by which the Director of OVC may award supplemental crime victim compensation and crime victim assistance to respond to an act of terrorism or mass criminal violence. The criminal act must be of sufficient magnitude that it overwhelms the affected jurisdiction's or program's ability to respond to the event.

OVC FY 2019 Non-Competitive Integrity, Action, and Justice: Strengthening Law Enforcement Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence Demonstration Initiative

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The International Association of the Chiefs of Police (IACP) will lead the Integrity, Action, and Justice: Strengthening Law Enforcement Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence Demonstration Initiative. The overall goal of the initiative is to build capacity of law enforcement to raise awareness of the existence and impact of gender bias in order to enhance services to sexual assault and domestic violence victims.

OVC FY 2019 Law Enforcement-Based Direct Victim Services and Technical Assistance Program Invitation to Apply

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Funding under this award will support the provision of technical assistance(e.g., through the use of webinars, publications, videos, in-service training modules, toolkits, best practice materials, and sample policies), for law enforcement agencies funded under the Law Enforcement-Based Direct Victim Services and Technical Assistance Program (LEV Program) to enhance trauma-informed, victim-centered services. The TA component is also intended to assist grantees with the development or enhancement of LEV Program protocols and guidelines.

OVC FY 2019 National Resource Center Invitation to Apply

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This solicitation will provide continuation funding for one resource center, the Center for Victim Research operated by the Justice Research and Statistics Association Both centers provide expert guidance and information to enhance the field's capacity to identify, reach, and serve all victims.

OVC FY 2019 VOCA Victim Compensation

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Under this formula grant program, OVC will award each eligible state victim compensation program an annual grant equal to 60 percent of the amount the program awarded in state-funded victim compensation payments during the fiscal year two years prior to the present fiscal year, other than amounts awarded for property damage. The primary purpose of these grants is to supplement state efforts to provide financial compensation to crime victims throughout the Nation for costs resulting from crime, and to encourage victim cooperation and participation in the criminal justice system.

OVC FY 2019 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Community Awareness Projects (2020)

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This project will be awarded as a 24-month cooperative agreement of $1,200,000 to an organization to provide financial and technical assistance to approximately 180 projects (approximately 90 each year) nationwide to conduct public education and awareness activities on crime victims' rights and services in their jurisdictions during the 2020 and 2021 National Crime Victims' Rights Weeks. The OVC Director will make all final decisions about which communities the intermediary will fund.

OVC FY 2019 Enhancing Community Responses to the Opioid Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims TTA Invitation to Apply

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OVC is seeking applications to support crime victims and to enhance community-driven responses to the current opioid crisis. The applicants will continue to develop and activate plans to support the applicant funded under the Enhancing Community Responses to the Opioid Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims aolicitation on a national scale, to equip and support the community-based programs as they develop new initiatives or enhance existing efforts.

OVC FY 2019 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Program

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This program seeks to support to tribal communities to improve services for victims of crime. This program will support a comprehensive range of activities to address the needs of a wide variety of crime victims in tribal communities. Apply under the following Purpose Areas (PAs). PA 1 Establishment of a New Victim Service Program: Applicants that have no existing victim services program, including those that do not have programs & are going to coordinate with others to provide services to them.

OVC FY 2019 Improving Outcomes for Children and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Program Invitation to Apply

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OVC competitively awarded funds to RTI in FY 2018 to provide TTA to sites funded under the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking program. OVC would like to offer RTI the opportunity to non-competitively apply for continuation funding to provide this TTA, as well as expanding its TTA to additional Improving Outcomes program sites that OVC anticipates funding in FY 2019 and FY 2020.

OVC FY 2019 Direct Services to Support Victims of Human Trafficking

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This solicitation will provide funding for direct services to victims of sex trafficking and labor trafficking, as well as for efforts to increase the capacity of communities to respond to human trafficking through the development of interagency partnerships, professional training, and public awareness activities. Applicants may apply for one or more of the following purpose areas (PAs) and focus areas (FAs): PA 1: Comprehensive Services for Victims of All Forms of Human Trafficking which has 3 FAs (FA 1. Building Capacity to Provide Comprehensive Services, FA 2.

OVC FY 2019 Law Enforcement-Based Victim Specialist Program

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This program will develop or enhance crime victim specialist programs within law enforcement agencies to better support victims through the criminal justice process including by connecting them with community-based direct victim services programs to more quickly and more effectively serve them. Funding under this program will support an estimated 80 victim specialist grants to state, tribal, and/or local law enforcement agencies to hire victim services staff to develop new programs or enhance existing law enforcement-based victim specialist programs.